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为什么要有临床试验?Why are there clinical trials?

设计非随机化临床试验。Design non-randomized clinical trial.

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设计病例对照临床研究。Design Case-controlled clinical trial.

那么,临床上有何意义呢?So what are the clinical implications?

什么是临床试验的分期?What are the phases of clinical trials?

早期龈炎的临床指征?Early indications of clinical gingivitis?

表明壮威口服液无明显毒性,适于临床长期服用。It was adapted in long term clinical use.

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CSF临床应用具有安全性。Clinical application of rhG CSF is safety.

头颈鳞癌靶向治疗的临床研究。Clinical study of target therapy in HNSCC.

在临床学科我们做临床试验。In clinical science we do clinical trials.

显示机器可读临床条目Displaying machine-readable clinical entries

我把临床心理学的内容融入这个课程中。I draw on clinical psychology in this class.

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这是临床蛋白质组学的网页。This is the web page of Clinical Proteomics.

IMA浓度的临床意义Clinical interpretation of IMA concentrations

临床研究显示,犀利士少。" Clinical " studies " show that Cialis less.

结论养脾散的临床使用较为安全。CONCLUSION It would be safe in Clinical usage.

临床药学在我国是个新兴的专业。Clinical pharmacy is a new specialty in China.

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而性别对临床疗效无明显影响。Sex has no effect on clinical curative effect.

很快临床试验就可以开始了So, very rapidly a clinical trial was started.

上海市泌特临床协作组。Shanghai Mite Clinical Study Cooperative Group.