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关心体贴别人。Be considerate of others.

应常为穷人着想。Be considerate toward the poor.

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工作人员真是用心良苦。The workers here are so considerate.

细心和体贴。solicitous and considerate than you.

有些人就是不替别人着想。Some people are not very considerate.

他对老人一向体贴入微。He is always considerate to old people.

他倒很体贴,他思想,又闭上眼睡着了。That was considerate of Joe, he thought.

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男人最好的财富是有一位通情达理的贤妻。The best wealth of man have a considerate wife.

她努力肯干,懂事体贴。Her efforts to stem, thoughtful and considerate.

雷斯脱呢,对他也是多情的,顾念的。As for Lester, he was affectionate and considerate.

大多数的男人在某种程度上都会体贴。Most men are prepared to be considerate to an extent.

还随”小红“赠送泡泡纸来捏,真有心!How considerate that bubble paper goes with my "Pinky"!

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我们那时都很敏感,也都挺体谅人的。We were so terribly sensitive and considerate back then.

江村欣喜妻子的变化,对妻子变得照顾体贴。Emura Kinki's wife's change, his wife became considerate.

简属于那种既善解人意又乐于助人的女孩子。Jane is one of the girls who are considerate and helpful.

手操器芯片,更智能,更体贴。Manual operator chip, more intelligent, more considerate.

我的舍友非常体贴,我跟她相处的很好。My roommate is considerate and I get along well with her?

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海狼赖生非常体谅我,水手们都帮助我。Wolf Larsen was quite considerate , the sailors helped me.

他不体谅更多有请致电,就跟他弟弟相同。He is no abundance considerate of otITs dawn his brotIT is.

他好棒,富有幽默感又体贴人。He's terrific. He has a sense of humor, and is considerate.