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那社会变革呢?How about societal change?

但是这需要一个社会的决定。But this requires a societal decision.

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他们认为,社会变革是不可能的。Societal change is not possible,they say.

其次,这一变化与社会转型有关。The second reason relates to societal change.

道路工程,是社会冲突的小说,人主场迎战进展。Roadwork is a novel of societal conflict, man vs. progress.

失去童子之身也是男性社会化的标准。And losing virginity is a societal benchmark for masculinity.

房地产业具有市场性和社会性双重性格。Real estate is characterized by market and societal features.

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我是一个好公民,总是秉持着社会道德标准来生活。I am a good citizen who always live by societal moral standards.

但是其驱动力仍然是经济、生态和社会的。But again, the driving forces are economic, ecological and societal.

该报告引用了一些社会和经济原因解释这一跨越。The report cited several societal and economic reasons for the jump.

在世界近现代史上,社会转型是每个国家都必须经历的过程。Every state must go through societal transformation in modern history.

关于对儿童的社会或家庭虐待仍然不得而知。Information about societal or familial abuse of children remained unavailable.

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象其他的人类活动一样,它必然会受到占主导地位的社会观念形态的支配。Like other human undertakings, it is guided by the dominant societal ideology.

这取决于你如何看待自由和社会层面利益之间的取舍。It depends on what your views are about freedom versus societal level benefits.

最后,保护我们隐私最可靠的方法可能是社会的视若无睹。In the end, the surest way to protect our privacy might be societal indifference.

社会的变化是一方面原因,同时我们自己恐怕亦非无错,或许我们对为人父母的前景希求过多。Societal ills aside, perhaps we also expect too much from the promise of parenting.

这个巨大的社会变化中的一个迷人的部分,是那些有代表性的人们。A fascinating part of this tremendous societal change is the people who epitomize it.

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相互依存带来的邻居一起回来并重新编织社会网络。Mutual interdependence brings neighbors back together and re-weaves the societal web.

他们在充满困难和挑战的时期顶住了社会给他们的压力——充满贬斥的名号。They overcame the societal derogative term orphan in times of difficulty and challenge.

导致同性恋人群心理失衡的部分原因在于社会对他们的羞辱和伤害。Poor mental health in gay populations is partly due to societal stigma and victimisation.