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您是无名英雄,做了许多有助我们老百姓的事情。You are the unsung hero of so many deeds benefiting our citizenry.

如此广泛和多样的公民队伍不可能永远在每一个问题上都取得一致,我们也不应该如此。This vast and diverse citizenry will not always agree on every issue -- nor should we.

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出行限定令会被当做保护公民免遭暴动和劫掠之害的手眼。Travel restrictions are seen as a way of protecting the citizenry from rioting and looting.

我们给我们的政府太多津贴了,以至于我们把我们的公民们都宠坏了。We’ve put in so much entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry.

我们不和,这是因为汉谟拉比的法典,既是陌生的公民和不适用。We do not and this is because Hammurabi's codex is both unknown to the citizenry and inapplicable.

他自己也是一位艺术家,作为音乐指导和美国管弦交响乐指挥的他,曾经谴责过大学对于塑造完整公民义务的缺失。Dr. Botstein has accused colleges of shirking their responsibility to create a well-rounded citizenry

广泛存在的不信神的人民必然经历社会灾难的恐惧因此毫无根据。The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted.

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对于那些不符合金正日心中的健康,有精气神儿标准的民众,所有的消息都是坏消息。All of which is bad news for those who don’t fit into Kim Jong Il’s ideal of a healthy, vital citizenry.

扎卡鲁姆的牧师们和坎多拉斯的公民开始注意到他们君主身上发生的怪异变化。The priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege.

该政府把马拉斯代尔星的土著达格人当作二等公民对待,由此引发了层出不穷的社会冲突。Malastare was plagued with social strife stemming from the second-class treatment of its native Dug citizenry.

德希达与哈伯玛斯皆肯定启蒙时期世界公民权与世界公民观的正确性。Both Derrida and Habermas affirm the Value of the Enlightenment ideals of world citizenry and cosmopolitan right.

到2025年欧盟将成为一个被内部争吵和持欧洲整合怀疑论的公民给弄残废的“跛足巨人”。By 2025, the European Union will be a "hobbled giant" crippled by internal bickering and a eurosceptic citizenry.

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比如,看看去年处方数最多的10种处方药,就能推测国民中疼痛、老龄化、肥胖问题的发生率。A look at the top 10 most popularly prescribed drugs, for instance, reflects an aching, aging, overweight citizenry.

我可不想激怒平民,直到我们对我们正在处理的这件事有了一个更深的认识,提里奥说。I'd rather not rile the citizenry until we have a better understanding of what we're dealing with here, Tirion said.

民主社会要求她的公民尽可能的,了解国家对于最终惩罚的成本和好处。A democracy demands a citizenry as informed as possible about the costs and benefits of society's ultimate punishment.

在这个年头要找到一个真合法地的巴黎人是很难的。With such a ample all-embracing citizenry active in Paris, accurate citizenry are harder to acquisition these canicule.

良好的公民教育是保证政府高效运行的关键,而新闻自由则有助于保障公民教育的信息畅通。An educated citizenry is the key to an effective government, and a free press contributes to that well-informed citizenry.

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这次运动意在把全体公民塑造成自觉,有政治觉悟,并且有决心投身于祖国的形象。The aim of the movement was to create a citizenry that was self-aware, politically conscious, and committed to the nation.

事实上,印度此次增加的人口,几乎等于巴西这个世界人口排名第五的国家的人口总和。India has, in effect, added to its population the entire citizenry of Brazil, itself the world's fifth most populous country.

它减轻了市民的繁重的决策义务和强化他们的政治无能意识的聚集。It relieves the citizenry of onerous decision-making obligations and intensifies their gathering sense of political impotence.