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祝大伙儿节日快乐,新年吉祥!Merry Xmas & Happe New Year!

谨向我们所有的朋友敬祝圣诞快乐!A merry Xmas to all our friend!

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谨向咱们所有的读者敬祝圣诞快乐!A merry Xmas to all our readers!

她用预约购货法购买圣诞礼物。She buys her xmas presents on layaway.

到了圣诞节的时际,黛布拉开始梦想着所有的礼物。At Xmas time, Debra began to dream of all the presents.

路边的雪景也被这浓郁的圣诞气氛给遮去了!The street scene was covered by the heavy XMAS ambiance!

这个圣诞节,将为您的2010,开启一扇梦想的新门。The Xmas party will open a new door to your dreams in 2010!

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自从上次圣诞节以来,他已经为他的女朋友付出了巨大的爱。He has gaven a large quality of love to his girlfriend since last Xmas.

快到圣诞节时,我决定鼓舞他对抗病魔的士气。It was the festive run up to Xmas and I was determined to keep his morale up.

我们在午餐时间吃光了圣诞餐,但在吃之前我们必须掰开饼干。We ate out Xmas dinner at lunchtime but before eating we had to pull the crackers.

我们想要购买大数量的女士们的帽子和这个圣诞节和新年销售上限。We want to purchase large qty of ladies hats and caps for this xmas and new year sales.

不管怎么说,我都希望你们圣诞都过得不错,新年快乐哈!Anyway, minna! I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and please have a Happy New Year! ! !

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原享受通过创建相册,圣诞贺卡和照片拼贴艺术的应用。Enjoy this artistic application by creating original photo albums, Xmas cards, and photo collages.

它展示星光、雪野和一棵被圣诞灯点亮的树。It shows a tree completely decked out in Xmas lights in the middle of a desolate and snowy forest.

周五文文会到休斯敦来一起庆祝圣诞节,届时我们可以喝点儿小酒庆祝一下,呵呵。She is coming to Houston this Friday to celebrate Xmas with us, I hope we can have couple of drinks together.

今天我参加完圣诞轰趴回家后,还没爬上我们这楼就听到他的闹钟又铃铃铃的响了。Today, after I came back from the Xmas party, I could hear the Ring &Ring Ring before I have climbed to our floor.

唐会的独特之处是每逢节庆和周末午夜都有现场表演,这是2010年底圣诞的午夜钢管舞表演。The special feature of Beijing Angel Club is the late night real show, this is midnight of 2010 Xmas pole dance show.

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著名的东海大学圣诞活动表已发布,有不少艺文或宗教活动哦!The well-known Xmas events of Tunghai University has issued its schedule, including many cultural or religious activities.

顺着海信广场到南京路的教堂为止,熙熙攘攘的人群,带着对圣诞节的懵懂在这条相对繁华的街道上穿流着。Walking along the Hisense Plaze to the Church, I found a lot of people who don't understand Xmas so much walk on Nanjing Road.

你要带着这些槲寄生植物到处走,每当你看到一个漂亮的女孩子,你就会要求她们跟你接圣诞吻。You are going to carry the mistletoe around with you and whenever you see a beautiful girl, you are going to ask them for a Xmas kiss.