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原发性癫痫无法进行预防。Idiopathic epilepsy is not preventable.

疟疾是既可预防又可治愈的。Malaria is both preventable and curable.

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是可预防的非随机事件伤害。Injuries are non-random preventable events.

高炉结瘤是能够预防的。The accretion in blast furnace is preventable.

各种各样的忽悠手段是防不胜防的。Various deceptive means are hardly preventable.

排列第一的可预防的死亡原因是香烟。The No. one cause of preventable death is tabacco.

使用烟草是可预防的主要死亡原因。Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death.

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这些可防止的病例中的一半是与吸烟有关。Half of these preventable deaths will be smoking-related.

黄褐斑通过日常的面部防晒是可以防止的。Chloasma is preventable by daily use of a facial sunscreen.

但肺癌同时也是最好预防的癌症之一。But lung cancer is also one of the most preventable cancers.

乙型肝炎可通过接种安全有效的疫苗来加以预防。Hepatitis B is preventable with a safe and effective vaccine.

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事实上,它也是导致女性不孕不育的首要原因。In fact, it's the leading preventable cause of infertility in women.

烟草消费是可预防的首要单一死亡原因。Tobacco consumption is the single leading preventable cause of death.

疟疾是一种透过病媒传染的疾病,是可防预及可医治的。Malaria is a preventable and treatable vector-borne infectious disease.

贫穷是由可预防原因造成的大多数死亡的根源。Poverty is responsible for the majority of deaths from preventable causes.

性传播感染是不孕症,尤其是妇女不孕症可预防的主要原因。STIs are the main preventable cause of infertility, particularly in women.

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这些死亡幼儿中,有十分之七是由于可预防和可治疗的疾病造成的。Seven in ten of these deaths are due to preventable and treatable conditions.

大略在三分之二到四分之三之间的癌症是可以预防的。Probably between two-thirds and three-quarters of all cancers are preventable.

但这些非疾病因素都是可避免的。These are things that are preventable and not caused by a disease, Longo says.