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他问她是否要来。He asker her if she would come.

现在你可以做提问题的人。Now you can be the question asker.

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当我邀请她出去时,她拒绝了我。She rejected me when I asker her out on date.

询问者不等回答就匆匆离去了。The asker beetled off without waiting for an answer.

经理要她更正价格标签上出现的错误。The manager asker her to alter the mistake on the price-tag.

她的妈妈告诉她,你知道你掉了你的发夹吗?Her mother asker her, Did you know you dropped your hair clip?

开始,星期五害怕我的枪,有时他对枪说话,叫枪不要杀死他。At first, Friday was very afraid of my gun, Sometimes he talked to it, and asker it not to kill him.

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最后,我就可以向对我提出帮助的人提供更好的解决问题的建议。At last, I could give better advice to the asker , and I could learn a lot from assisting my counterpart.

但如果对方是百思买的一位身着制服的员工,很多消费者会在被问到时提供号码。But when the asker is a uniform-wearing employee at Best Buy, many a consumer hands over their digits when asked.

但事实上,看这个问答的人,要评估他们的智力,他们认为,提问者的智力比被问者的要高。But in fact, when the person watching this has to assess their intelligence they give the quiz asker a higher intelligence rating than the other person.

然后,让别人去向他们请教自己的弱项,他们于是也被问题纠结,觉得向他们寻求帮助的人能力不足。Next, someone approached them for advice in their area of self-identified weakness. The non-experts were perplexed by these questions and viewed the asker as less competent for seeking their help.