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公共汽车与客货车相撞。The bus and the van collided.

他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。His bicycle collided with a lorry.

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汽车在交叉路口相撞。The cars collided at the junction.

我船与水下岩石相碰。I have collided with submerged rock.

我船和不明物体相碰。I have collided with unknown object.

我船和一艘不明船相碰。I have collided with unknown vessel.

我船与水下沉船相碰。I have collided with submerged wreck.

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两辆长途汽车互相碰撞。Two coaches collided with each other.

这辆轿车与公共汽车相撞而翻车。The car collided with a bus and turned over.

我船与海图3807中第7号标志相碰。I have collided with seamark 7 of chart 3807.

但突然他的车同另一辆车相撞了。But suddenly his car collided with another one.

我船和长江口灯船相碰。I have collided with Chang Jiang Kou light vessel.

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火车在平面交叉道口与一辆小汽车相撞。The train collided with a car at the level crossing.

他们在狭窄的走廊上撞了个满怀。They collided with each other in the narrow corridor.

一辆货车和小客车在重庆南路相碰撞。A truck collided with a car on Chong -Chin South Road.

而且一艘美国海军服务船和一艘美国潜艇相撞。And a U.S. Navy server ship collided with a submarine.

两个战斗,但他们的魔法相撞,给他们留下千古骂名。The two battled, but their magic collided left them cursed.

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同时,美军无人驾驭飞机经常发生碰撞或坠毁。At the same time, U.S. drones have often crashed or collided.

约翰跑到拐角处时和另一个男孩相撞。In running around the corner, John collided with another boy.

1994年7月,慧星“皮鞋匠”——利维撞击了木星。In July 1994, the Comet Shoemaker -Levy collided with Jupiter.