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他向上游游去。He swam quartering upstream.

这只猎犬在树林中四处搜寻猎物。The hound was quartering the woods.

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样本的减少为根据四分法来操作的。The reducing of samples was performed by quartering.

轰炸机在那地区上空一次又一次地来回执行三百英里搜索。The bombers had conducted a 300-mile search, quartering and requartering the area.

一个毛的质量样本好混合,减少四分取样法适当的数量。A gross quality samples were completely mixed and reduced by coning quartering to appropriate quantities.

他们一旦遇到一个人,就抢劫并且谋杀他。继而,他们会将肉从人身上剥离,把肉弄碎然后腌制。When their disgusting acts had been executed, they set about stripping the flesh from the individual, quartering them, and pickling them.

狮子面前的栅栏将其四等分,每一个方块又可再分为十六格小方块,透过栅栏可以看到总共六十四块狮子身体。A grid palce before the lion, quartering him, each quater subdivided into sixteen squares, total of sixty-four squares through which lion parts may be sen.

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为了精确的检测出图像中的脉冲噪声并滤除,提出一种基于四分法噪声检测的开关中值滤波算法。To accurately detect and filter out the impulse noise in the image, the switching median filter algorithm of noise detection is proposed based on quartering.

四马分尸是拷问台的升级版,只是适用于那些杀死或者蓄谋杀害贵族或者皇室成员的犯人。Quartering is the rack taken to the next level and was reserved only for murderers and those who killed or attempted to take the life of a nobleman or royalty.

由于大颗粒样品堆成圆锥时容易产生偏析,造成缩分偏差,样品粒度大于10mm不宜使用圆锥四分法,最好使用二分器。Since a large particle size can easily cause division deviation, material over 10mm is not suitable for coning and quartering method. In this instance a riffle divider should be used.