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我想我有一点反叛连胜了。I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too.

然而,最后正是由于他的反叛导致了他被开除出了学校。However, it was his rebelliousness in the end that caused him to be expelled.

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音乐是他作品中的一个常规主题,尤其是叛逆的摇滚乐。Music cis a regular theme in his work, especially the rebelliousness of rock 'n' roll.

在一些人看来,网络成了年轻写手彰显叛逆的媒介。In someone's opinions, the keyboard becomes a medium of expression for the young writer's rebelliousness.

可能在青少年时代就沾染了这些习惯。You probably picked up the habit in your teens—an age when rebelliousness is linked to smoking, research shows.

尽管生性叛逆,但在佛教界,他还是以丹僧·宇色仁波切之名为人所熟知和敬仰。Despite his rebelliousness , he is still known as Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche and revered by the Buddhist community.

一个不可缺少的是初步改变男子从叛逆到一个小孩子的信任,并愿意听从。The one indispensable preliminary was the change in man from rebelliousness to childlike trust and willingness to obey.

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如今我倒很想知道当爸爸偶尔不在家的时候,他的叛逆为什么就不表现出来呢。Yet today I am intrigued that his rebelliousness was not expressed during those rare times when Papa was not in the house.

一些老成员会告诉你,这一文化的兴旺是在二十世纪七十到八十年代,当时传统的巴黎人无法抵挡朋克文化的冲击。Veterans say the scene blossomed in the 1970s and '80s, when traditional Parisian rebelliousness got a fresh jolt from punk culture.

这些性状包括对长辈一般性尊重,在学校减少叛逆行为,避免和帮派及其他犯罪活动接触。These include a general respect for authority and reduced rebelliousness in school, and the avoidance of gangs and other criminal activities.

他同样对权威持有甚至是不太礼貌的叛逆性格。因此曾有一位校长把他开除,另一位和历史开了个玩笑地说道爱因斯坦不可能大有作为。He also had a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one headmaster to expel him and another to amuse history by saying that he would never amount to much.

他的聪颖给老师留下深刻的印象,同时老师也不喜欢他放荡不羁的作风。然而,最后正是由于他的反叛导致了他被开除出了学校。The teachers of the school, impressed by his intelligence, overlooked some of his pranks. However, it was his rebelliousness in the end that caused him to be expelled.

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在不同的时期水手服装都在不停的诠释着勇敢、忠诚、独立、叛逆的性格特征,而泳衣更是在不同的时期寻找着不同的精神灵感。In different times, the sailor's suits present such characters as bravery, loyalty, independence and rebelliousness , and swimming suits are soaked with different inspirations.

现在布朗先生还没有煽动工党议员造反,不过如果他发现布莱尔先生还要留任甚至是在毁坏他的前途的话,那可就难说了。Mr Brown is not now stirring up Labour MPs' rebelliousness but he might if he sees Mr Blair merely marking time or—worse—damaging Mr Brown's own future chances of electoral success.

最初,流行音乐总是和来自西方的精神上的堕落联系在一起,随后被认定为一股潜在的颠覆势力试图怂恿中国的青少年来造反。Pop music, initially associated with spiritual pollution from the West, later came to be seen as a potentially subversive force that might encourage rebelliousness among China's youth.

对此,多数网友支持,而主流媒体的评论员则批其"一种低等动物不知羞耻的行为"。This act of rebelliousness has received a lot of attention. Online response was mostly in support of him while media commentators criticized him for "a shameless act by a lower animal."

后现代主义思想以其极端的反叛性和颠覆性影响全球,这种思想也深深的影响了崛起于90年代的中国“新生代”导演的创作。Post-modernism, which affects the whole world with its extreme rebelliousness and subversiveness, has influenced the works of Chinese directors of the new generation which sprang up in the 1990s.

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也许从某种意义上来说,朋克的反抗也并非完全是指向失业本身的,也许正是失业的空虚与无聊才带来了摇滚生涯。Perhaps in a certain sense, the rebelliousness of punk did not totally oriented to unemployment itself, but it was the emptiness and boredom of being unemployed generated its rock and roll career.