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旧北区生物地理区,由欧洲、亚洲北部与北非所组成。Palaearctic The biogeographic realm comprising Europe, northern Asia and North Africa.

结论山西省庞泉沟自然保护区有瓣蝇类的区系特征是以古北界区系成分为主。Conclusion The Calyptratae fauna in Pangquangou Nature Reserve of Shanxi province was mostly palaearctic.

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中国球蚜科有6属20种,分布在黑龙江、云南、四川等地,主要是古北区成分。Furthermore, Adelgidae species in China includes 20 known species in 6 genera and mainly on Palaearctic Regions.

结论山西省恒山地区有瓣蝇类的区系特征是以古北界成分为主。Conclusion The characteristics of Calyptratae fauna in Palaearctic is the main characteristics in Heng Mountain Range of Shanxi province.

结果在河北省发现齿股蝇属15种,古北区均有分布,其中5种仅在古北区有分布。Results there are 15 species of genus hydrotaea in hebei province , which all destribute in palaearctic and 5 species only in palaearctic.

云南革螨物种数和多样性的分布格局可能直接受到古北和东洋两区系边缘效应的影响。The spatial distribution patterns of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province may be the results of the edge effect between the Oriental and Palaearctic realms.

我国动物地理区划向以横跨古北界和东洋界而著称,但两界在我国东部即秦岭以东地区的精确划界始终没有明确的认识。China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm, but the precise pision east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while.

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我国动物地理区划向以横跨古北界和东洋界而著称,但两界在我国东部即秦岭以东地区的精确划界始终没有明确的认识。China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm, but the precise division east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while.

迄今为止,该属全世界共记载239种,为世界性分布,但主要分布于古北区、东洋区、新北区和非洲区。Up to the present 239 species of the genus have been known from the world . they are mainly distributed in the palaearctic , nearctic , oriental , ethiopian region.

区系分析表明该地区东洋种成分占优势,古北种次之,古北、东洋共有种最少。The results of the fauna indicate that Oriental species were dominant ones, Palaearctic species second, while the common species of Oriental and Palaearctic regions are least.

这样高的单元型多样性和核苷酸多样性与黑斑侧褶蛙作为古北界和东洋界的广布种,种群大是相应的。The high haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were corresponding to very large population size and extensive distribution of Pelophylax nigromaculata in Palaearctic Region and Oriental Region.