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难道这是让一个农业国走向城市化必须的吗?Is this necessary to urbanize a rural country?

政府正在设法把这一地区城市化。The government is trying to urbanize this area.

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他们还有至少4亿人口要城市化。They still have to urbanize another 400 million people at least.

为了使经济现代化,中国必须扩大工业化和城市化。For China to modernize its economy, it must further industrialize , and urbanize.

目前,我国实施的“农村城市化”工程就是这个主题的印证。At present, the project of "to urbanize the rural area" is the reflection and evidence of the theme.

对我国农业有不利影响,也使劳动力要素配置效率低下,农民工利益流失,城市化推进困难。It' s hard to urbanize because of bad influence on agriculture, benefits loss of farmers and workers.

由于建设用地指标的特殊性,其必将受到国家经济发展水平及城市化水平等的限制。As the particularity of the index, it must be restricted by the development of the economy and the urbanize level.

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重庆作为过去五年中地球上发展最快的城市,还准备将这种城市化进程持续20年。Chongqing, the fastest-growing city on the planet a half decade ago, thinks it can urbanize for at least another two decades.

切实转变思想观念、以夯实经济基础为支点、突出特色发展,是中国城镇化道路的根本。To urbanize China's rural areas, one should change one's ideological concept, lay a solid economic foundation and develop the characteristics.

随着我国国民经济的飞速发展,城市化进程不断加快,土地资源紧张的矛盾也日益突出。With the development of our country, the process of urbanize is faster and faster, and the conflict of the rare of land source is standing out day by day.

1993年是大城市,在海南、北海这些地方搞,将来要是全面开花,都来“造镇”,形成运动,那怎么得了!In 1993 it was all these urbanization projects in major cities, Hainan and elsewhere. If everyone starts to "urbanize" going forward, how can that be sustained!

按照党的十六大提出的全面建设更高水平的小康社会的目标,我国的城市化任务十分艰巨。The task to urbanize China is tremendous if China is to build a higher level comfortably off society put forward at the sixteenth congress of Chinese Communist Party.

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但有些人,比如摩根士丹利亚洲前任主席斯蒂芬-罗奇就表示,随着中国的进一步城市化,这些城市将成为“蓬勃发展的大都市区”。But some, like Stephen Roach, former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia have argued that these cities will become "thriving metropolitan areas" as China continues to urbanize.

市政中心,作为新时期我国城市化进程加速的产物,由于其特殊的功能和较大的体量对城市的规划起着举足轻重的作用。Civil Municipal Center, as the production of urbanize program at new period in our country, it play a important role in city planning because of its special function an huge consider.

人口普查数据还显示,在过去十年里,政府为方便社会服务供给,推动了中国人口城镇化。The government’s drive to urbanize the Chinese population, which makes the distribution of social services easier, has had a massive impact during the past 10 years, the census figures reveal.

各类工业园区的开发建设对区域经济的发展、城市化进程的推动和可持续发展战略的实施都产生了深远的影响。The exploration and construction of all kinds of industrial parks had profound influence on local economic growth, urbanize promotion and implementation of the strategy for sustainable development.