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我看到了圆形大剧场。I saw the Coliseum.

鱆人竞技场对你造成1点伤害。Cephalid Coliseum deals 1 damage to you.

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我将这个点子用个了上面的歌剧院中。I used this idea for the coliseum above.

竞技场的演出用途到了公元608年才告结束。The Coliseum was used for shows until 608 AD.

我清楚地记得进入洛杉矶体育场的情景。Distinctly, I remember walking into the L.A. Coliseum.

他们将参加洛山矶纪念体育馆的一项集会活动。They 'll enter in a rallyatthe LosAngelesMemorial Coliseum.

另外一个著名的古代建筑是意大利罗马的大斗兽场。Another famous ancient structure is the Coliseum in Rome, Italy.

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古罗马斗兽场是当地最有名的旅游景点。The Coliseum is one of the most famous local tourist attractions.

歪如一些您否能未经晓得,行将到往的十字军的体育馆将于降落级9个名目。As some of you may know the Crusader's Coliseum is slated to drop tier 9 items.

周二晚上,蕾哈娜在纽约尤宁代尔的拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆Rihanna at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y., on Tuesday night.

在古罗马,基督徒被扔去斗兽场与狮子搏斗。Back in Ancient Rome, they threw Christians to the lions in the Coliseum for sport.

爸爸说这就粻一个竞技场,他霹说他想把你扔进竞技场内。Daddy says it's like a Coliseum. Daddy says he wants to throw you into the Coliseum.

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狄伦和“乐队”乐队正在为音乐会上要用的乐器调音。Inside the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, Bob Dylan and The Band were tuning for a concert.

在纽约州尤宁谷城拿骚体育馆内,鲍勃·狄伦和美国摇摆乐团正为音乐会上用乐器调音。Inside the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, Bob Dylan and the Band were tuning up for a concert.

至于在音乐上的发展期望,孙耀威则期望能排期在红馆亮相开个唱。With regard to his expectation about music, Eric wants to hold his personal concert in Hong Kong Coliseum.

奖牌正面是古代竞技场和手持月桂花冠的胜利女神奈基。The obverse of the medal features the ancient coliseum and the goddess of victory holding a winner's crown.

“吃喝玩乐”团在马来西亚吉隆坡著名的铁板烧烤点,享受铁板牛肉及铁板羊肉餐。EDAF group tried up the local famous grill at the grill room of Coliseum Cafe & Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

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从杉矶大型游乐场到音乐厅和露天游乐场都会被拍卖掉。State properties, from a big coliseum in Los Angeles to concert halls and fairgrounds , will be auctioned off.

里面的服务人员个个都有深厚的经验,多年的工作让他们看透了人世,也摸透人们眼里的性格。The staff inside the Coliseum are experienced, they works for years, seeing through the reality and the human!

而谈到在音乐上的发展期望,孙耀威希望能排期在红馆开个唱。Regarding his expectations towards music, Eric hopes that he can hold a personal concert in Hong Kong Coliseum.