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在美国,采矿权属地主所有。In America, mineral rights belong to the landowner.

那人可能是当地的农民、地主或者商人。He might be a local farmer landowner or businessman.

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山洞的入口被地产的主人给堵上了。The entrance to the cave was infilled by the landowner.

郭登做过的事也就是故事里葡萄园主做的事。Gordon did exactly what the landowner does in this story.

我希望地主能注意到这样的呼唤。I had hoped that the landowner would have heeded that call.

最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的地主同样的权利。The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner.

当地的地主喜欢这个小男孩,并且供给他上学。The local landowner liked the young boy and paid for his education.

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那个富裕的土地主被指控操纵地方议会。The wealthy landowner was accused of manipulating the local council.

接着党决定把这个印度卖办和大地主作为目标。Then the party decided to target this Indian comprador and landowner.

如果猎手获得农场主的许可,就可以合法打猎。If stalkers have permission from the landowner they can shoot legally.

剩下的兼职地主们不仅更加孤独,而且放牧也更难了。The rise of the part-time landowner has made ranching harder, not just lonelier.

当地的一个地主对这个小男孩十分感兴趣,并为他支付学费。The local landowner took an interest in the young boy and paid for his schooling.

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不好意思,姑娘。我们在斗地主,三个人够了。I'm sorry, lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough.

已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的平衡法权益。A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity.

已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益。A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity.

他完全可能是一个怪癖的地主,也完全可能是一个体面的农夫。He might with equal probability have been an eccentric landowner or a gentlemanly ploughman.

为了生存,不愿变卖土地的农家,只能凭土地举借高利贷经营。In order to make a life, the landowner who would not sell his land had to borrow dear money.

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纽约第二大的哥伦比亚大学是长春藤联盟其中一所大学。Columbia University, the second-largest landowner in New York City, is part of the Ivy League.

哥伦比亚大学是继其天主教堂之后纽约的第二大“地主“。Columbia University is the second largest landowner in New York City, after the Catholic Church.

他在躲避扫罗时,和手下的人为有钱的地主拿八看守产业。While hiding from Saul, he and his men watched over the property of a rich landowner named Nabal.