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他们委任他为邮政局长。They appointed him as postmaster.

他的父亲被任命为邮政局长。His father was appointed postmaster.

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乔治的父亲被任命为邮政局长。Geoge's father was appointed postmaster.

她祖父曾是一位墟落邮政局长。Her grandfather was a village postmaster.

乔治的父亲被任命为邮政局长。George 's father was appointed postmaster.

然后,请与该地区的邮政局长。Then, contact the postmaster of that area.

那位邮政局长被强盗开枪打死了。The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.

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于是我问邮政局长这件事将怎么办。I asked the postmaster what he would do about this.

约翰被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德。John was appointed postmaster vice Richard retired.

香港邮政署长的立场去约翰沃纳梅克。The position of Postmaster General went to John Wanamaker.

约翰·多伊被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德…John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.

有时邮局的局长晚上会上来和我聊天。Some evenings the postmaster comes up to have a chat with me.

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好像是从很远的地方传来的声音,他听见她在让邮政局长打电话叫警察来。As if from far away, he hears her call to the postmaster to send for the police.

南方人还得到了国防部长、内政部长和邮政部长的职务。Southerners also were named as secretary of war, interior secretary and postmaster general.

在我们这个项目中,邮局就是消息服务器,邮政人员是队列管理器。In our project, the post office is the message server and the postmaster is the queue manager.

例如,邮政总局局长在1829年成为内阁成员,但在1872年降级。For instance, in 1829 the postmaster general became a Cabinet-level position, but was demoted in 1872.

因此,滥用和邮政局长被指派为保留的别名,并不能作为用户名或昵称。Thus, abuse and postmaster are assigned as reserved aliases and cannot be used as usernames or nicknames.

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我一进邮局,那个局长就注意到了我丈夫给我买的新耳环The minute I walked into the post office, the postmaster noticed the new earrings my husband had given me.

收信人将会到邮局,并且向邮政人员索取他所期望信箱中的信。The receiver of the letter will walk up to the post office and ask the postmaster for a letter in the desired slot.

邮局负责接收请求并将信件管理授权给邮政人员。The post office is responsible for receiving a request and delegating the management of the letter to the postmaster.