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他们的要求可能是不合理。Their demands might be immoderate.

狂欢一段不加限制的。A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence.

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比如,城市的无节制的拆建和膨胀。For example, the immoderate rebuilding and expanding in the city.

在成语里,“五脊六兽”形容因有非分之想而忐忑。As an idiom, "Six Gurgoyles" means being restless due to one's immoderate ambitions.

儿童单纯性肥胖症大多是因不合理饮食及不良生活习惯导致的。Pediatric simple obesity is mostly caused by immoderate diet and unhealthy living habit.

其实甚至连健康的食物如果过量的食用也会变得不健康。Actually even healthy things can become unhealthy when consumed in immoderate proportion.

廉价的自助餐吸引了胃口大但囊中羞涩的顾客们。The budget buffet attracted customers with immoderate appetites but limited pocket books.

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作为下属,他们则是麻烦的制造者,因为他们有言语或行动过激的倾向。As followers they can be troublesome, for they are apt to be immoderate in act and expression.

然而由于人类不合理的开发利用致使湖泊功能和效益不断下降。However, its functions and benefits decrease resulting from immoderate exploitation and utilization.

过分掩饰,自信变得夸张,自卑在不知不觉的情况下变得更露骨。Immoderate pretending, the confidence'll get to exaggerate and inferiority is disclosed unconsciously.

品牌是企业主对消费者思考权的一种超限谋杀。Brand seems like a kind of immoderate murder which entrepreneurs conduct to the consumers' thinking rights.

这种社会中的个人主义为过激的情绪提供了生长的温床。This individualism in the society provides fertile breeding ground for torrent of immoderate emotions to mushroom.

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恰当的介入体现了医生的责任感和人文关怀,过度的介入造成医生心理的倦怠,从而造成情感冷漠。Appropriate empathy shows responsibility and solicitude to patient, whereas immoderate empathy may induce burnout thereby resulting in emotional apathy.

研究已经证实,常氧条件下过量运动会导致免疫抑制,低氧环境会损害机体的免疫机能。It has been proved that immoderate exercise leads to inhibition of immune system in normal oxygen environment and hypoxic environments also cause immunodeficiency.

但风险投资没有能够有效抑止IPO公司夸大投资需求的行为,筹资规模过大、资金使用效率低下的现象在有风险投资持股的公司中依然存在。But Venture Capital couldn't prevent the IPOs from aggrandizing investment demand. There are also immoderate financing and inefficient investment in the VC-backed IPOs.

当前,医疗费用居高不下,医疗纠纷不断增多,其中医药购销领域的商业贿赂是很重要的原因之一。Commercial bribe in medicine marketing contributes a lot in the current complaint of high incidence of medical disputes and immoderate consumption of medical treatment service.

在治理“看病贵”的呼声中,过度医疗首当其冲地受到了更多议论与指责。Immoderate medical treatment bumps up as the first consideration in analyzing the causes of costly expense in medical treatment, and therefore suffers enormous argument and criticism.

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在风行的现代风格中立意自己的现代生活情趣,舒意、温和,在理性的世界中注入柔和的元素,增加生活的热度,保持温和适宜的空间氛围,如同午后温煦的阳光一般惬意舒适。It means to find your own delight of modern life, to add soft elements into the rational world, and to keep an immoderate surrounding, as comfort as the soft sunshine in the afternoon.

相反,缺乏宏观引导,盲目随意地对土地资源进行过渡开发利用,甚至于人为地破坏土地资源,必然导致环境污染和生态恶化。Contrary, if lack of macro-view guide and immoderate land resources utilization at random and even factitiously, ecological environment will be destroyed and ecosystem will be worsened.