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采用温度控制器,使封合质量更高。PID temperature controller, more accurate temp. control.

副控制器采用二自由度PID控制器。A double-degree PID controller is applied to the inner loop.

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用GPM法整定出PID控制器参数的初始值。The initial PID setting are given by the method based on GPM.

油温控制采用带自整定的PID控制技术。The temperature is controlled by self-setting PID technology.

设计自校正PID调节器的方法有多种。There are many methods to design self-tuning PID controllers.

通过自动模式达到发电机恒机端电压PID调节。Generator constant terminal voltage PID is achieved by Auto mode.

设计完成了AFM的数字PID反馈控制系统。We have constructed a digital PID feedback control system of AFM.

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硬件上采用了20万门的FPGA,算法上引入数字PID控制器。FPGA with 200 000 gates and digital PID controller are introduced.

控制算式采用带积分分离的PID或达林算式。The control algorithm uses PID with intergral or DaLin's algorithm.

分析了参数模糊自整定PID的原理。The strategy of parameter fuzzy automatic adjustive PID is analysed.

本文对单神经PID控制器作了比较深入地研究。In this paper the single neuron PID controller is discussed in-depth.

介绍了多变量PID型神经元网络控制系统。The control system of multi-variable PID neural network is introduced.

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采用自整定技术,对PID参数进行自整定。The parameter of PID can be auto-tuned by using auto-tuning technique.

本文对PID参数在线实时自整定技术进行了详细阐述。This paper describes the self-adjusting of the PID parameters in detail.

由于网络导致的延迟存在,GASA算法被用于确定最佳的PID增益。GASA is used to select the best PID gains due to the network-induced delay.

自控系统的每个环节数字化,用计算机实现PID控制。Digitizes every segment of automatic control system and attained PID control.

温度控制采用无触点的开关控制,并实现了PID调节。Temperature control system based on no touch switch has realized PID control.

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温控装置安装了PID温度调节仪表。PID temperature control device installed in instrument temperature regulation.

PID控制是一种应用很普遍的控制技术,目前在很多方面都有广泛的应用。The technologic PID control is more general, it is applied in many fields now.

介绍了一种基于FPGA的高速单神经元自适应PID智能控制器的设计方法。A high-speed Single Neuron PID Intelligent Control Based on FPGA is introduced.