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他的目标是到2020年在毛伊岛停止使用石油。His goal is to end oil use on Maui by 2020.

毛伊岛为全家提供阳光下的乐趣。Maui offers fun in the sun for the whole family.

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毛伊岛上所有的家伙都对这个女孩垂涎三尺。All the other guys in Maui are drooling over this girl.

我们有很多的想法天毛伊浪漫婚礼。We have lots of romantic ideas for a heavenly Maui wedding.

毛伊岛水族馆,一只夏威夷绿海龟。At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.

离开夏威夷前,再次观赏一次美丽的茂宜岛日落。Watching the beautiful Maui sunset once again before leaving Hawaii.

蒙着宇宙尘埃的银河拱悬于毛伊岛的哈雷阿卡拉火山口上空。Veiled by cosmic dust, the Milky Way arches over Haleakala Crater on Maui.

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地球的人口可能永远都不会再需要一个比毛伊岛更大的岛屿才能挤下。The earth's population may never need a larger island than Maui to stand on.

您也可以在一个一天渡轮从毛伊岛的凉台和背部。You can also get on one of the day ferries to get from Maui to Lanai and back.

美国——毛伊岛水族馆,一只夏威夷绿海龟露出水面。United States—At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.

毛伊是夏威夷最受欢迎的岛屿,是传统上人们最爱去的地方之一。Maui is Hawaii's hottest island. Traditionally, one of the most popular places to go.

夏威夷度假中,扎克在毛伊岛冲浪回来,展露出他结实的腹肌!Efron emerges from the Maui surf – and bares his ripped abs! – during his Hawaiian vacation.

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在毛伊岛,不论到哪里,您一定能够找到历史和文化的足迹。No matter where you travel on Maui you are sure to find points of historic and cultural significance.

协议规定,国家需对茂伊岛及考爱岛的太阳能支付费用为每千瓦特小时38分。Under the agreements, the state is paying 38 cents a kilowatt hour on Maui and Kaua'i for solar power.

搭机飞往茂宜岛,游览尖山古战场、横山甘蔗林、热带植物园、拉海拿山镇、鲸鱼港、伊澳塔等。傍。Taking a short flight from Honolulu to Maui Island, visit the Iao Needle Mountain Crater, Cane Tropical.

另一家旅行社则因为在茂宜岛一处礁脉违法下锚,破坏了珊瑚礁,所以也面临罚款处置。Another tour operator faces penalties for wrecking coral when it illegally dropped an anchor on a Maui reef.

蜜雪儿和约翰正在度蜜月,想要在茂伊岛度假期间来点小小的冒险。Michelle and John were on their honeymoon and they were looking for a little adventure while they stayed in Maui.

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如我以前提到的,我笑了又笑,整个到夏威夷的路上都在笑。这是载我们到茂宜岛的飞机喷射引擎一景。As I stated before, I smiled, smiled, and smiled all the way to Hawaii . Here is a view of the jet engine which brought us to Maui.

卡霍奥拉威岛夏威夷群岛中部偏南的一座岛屿,位于茂伊岛西南部。这座地势低的贫瘠的岛屿一直用作监狱和军用靶场。An island of south-central hawaii southwest of maui. the low and unfertile island has been used as a prison and a military target range.

于是他就卖了在德国的公司,在夏威夷毛伊岛的山里买了块地,开了养羊的农场,并取了这么个怪的名字。Hence he sold in a German company in Hawaii maui mountains bought land, and opened the breed sheep farm, and choose such a strange name.