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纽扣、残余的皮带和接口管。Buttons, remnants of a belt and a mouthpiece.

在革命者中,他是毫无争议的不二喉舌。He was the revolution’s unrivalled mouthpiece.

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“信息台吗?”我冲着话筒说道。Information Please, " I said into the mouthpiece ."

他给他演示如何吹奏象牙吹口乐器。He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece.

那位吹木箫者在他的萧嘴上装了一个新簧片。The clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece.

美国媒体已经变成了美国外交政策的喉舌。The US media has become the mouthpiece of US foreign policy.

请接信息台,我冲着位于我脑袋上边的话筒说。Information, Please, I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.

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烟嘴烟斗、香烟或雪茄烟嘴的顶端。The tip of the mouthpiece on a pipe or a cigarette or cigar holder.

其迷人的旋转开盖保护细菌和污垢不侵染杯口。Its inviting twist-off cap shields the mouthpiece from germs and dirt.

中音萨克斯喉舌更适合直颈康斯。Alto saxophone mouthpiece is more suitable for Constance neck directly.

你如何确定互联网就是你观点的最好代言人?How did you decide the internet was the best mouthpiece for your views?

马勒,嚼子放在嘴里的金属制马勒,用于控制约束和驾御牲畜。The metal mouthpiece of a bridle, serving to control, curb, and direct an animal.

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阿珍︰因为汤姆这礼拜不在公司,开会时我是他的代言人。Jane︰Since Tom's out of the office this week, I'm his mouthpiece at these meetings.

只用笛头和连接管在嘴中重复第四、五步。Repeat steps four and five with the mouthpiece and barrel only inserted in the mouth.

特雷尔教导我们,他是上帝的代言人,他在为上帝的子民的差距代表。Terrell teaches that he is "God's mouthpiece" and that he "stands in the gap" for God's people.

文学既不能单纯成为政治的传声筒,又不能成为脱离生活意义的纯文学。Literature should not act as the mouthpiece of politics or become pure literature away from life.

詹姆斯和布朗,看来他们都是很支持小莫的。James and Brown, though, seem like they are going to have to be Williams' mouthpiece on the matter.

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新闻工作者要坚持马克思主义新闻观,坚定不移地做党和人民的“喉舌”。Jounalists should stick to Maxist news- point and firmly act as the mouthpiece of our Party and people.

奥卡利那笛,洋埙一种小的赤陶制成或塑料乐器,有手孔和吹口,加长的椭形。A small terra-cotta or plastic wind instrument with finger holes a mouthpiece and an elongated ovoid shape.

在通信系统中,将送话器和受话器作成一体的一种电话机部件,它可以用一只手握住使用。An communication system , a telephone mouthpiece and receiver in a single unit that can be held in one hand.