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我们只是在跟自己攀比。We are our own Joneses.

忘记那个负心汉吧!Forget about the Joneses.

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不要跟人攀比。Don't try to keep up with the Joneses.

琼斯一家人明天要拜访林家人。The Joneses will visit the Lins tomorrow.

我猜想他们是要与别人比阔气哩。I suppose they're trying to keep up with the Joneses.

布朗夫妇买了一辆新车只是为了和邻居比富?Brown bought a new car simply to keep up with the Joneses.

换句话说,这组会员表现出强烈的攀比行为。In other words, this group shows strong "keeping up with the Joneses" behavior.

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城市人的攀比心要比农村人强的多。City slickers are more likely to keep up with the Joneses than the rural people.

但自闭症者则更在乎自己的真正喜欢,兴趣和热情-,而不会去攀比跟风。What matters is true liking, interest and passion -- not keeping up with the Joneses.

这个可怜的家伙破产了,因为他的妻子总是同左邻右舍比排场、比阔气。The poor fellow went broke because his wife was always trying to keep up with the Joneses.

人们想要与收入地位相等者进行攀比的心态似乎引发了“涓滴型消费”现象的出现。This "trickle-down consumption" appears to result from a desire to keep up with the Joneses.

自从琼斯先生的作品成为畅销书后,琼斯一家人就过着优渥的生活。The Joneses have been eating high on the hog ever since Mr. Jones's book became a best seller.

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我们有一个技术上的等效,即我们称为美国式的“跟上邻居”。We have the technological equivalent of what we call in the U.S. "keeping up with the Joneses."

为了和邻居叫劲,史密斯太太买了一个比他们的更大更贵的明朝花瓶。To keep up with Joneses , Mrs. Smith bought a Ming vase that was bigger and more expensive than theirs.

由于格林太太认为他的家无论如何不能落后于左邻右舍,所以他的家永远存不下钱来。The Greens will never save money because Mrs. Green thinks they always have to keep up with the Joneses.

我注意到他们在乡村买了所房子。我猜想他们是要与别人比阔气哩。I see that they have bought a house in the country. I suppose they're trying to keep up with the Joneses.

为了和邻居叫劲,史密斯太太买了一个比他们的更大更贵的明朝花瓶。To keep up with the Joneses , Mrs. Smith bought a Ming vase that was bigger and more expensive than theirs.

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之后,Hannah的父母写信给赫里福德初级医疗基金会,批评他们的不近人情干预行为。After the incident the Joneses wrote to Herefordshire Primary Care Trust complaining about its intervention.

我在电话簿中查了所有姓琼斯的人,可是每次都找不到阿契波尔德·琼斯。I looked up all the Joneses in the telephone book but I drew a blank every time I asked for Archibald Jones.

你的邻居并不知道你的经济状况,你又很在行烹饪,起司的味道非常不错。The Joneses next door don’t have your budget, and you’re a good enough cook to make mac and cheese taste great!