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另一个是审查因素。Another is the censorship.

我并不主张送检。I am not advocating censorship.

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这是一种大多数人的控制。It's censorship by consensus almost.

我可以接受这种审查制度。I can accept this type of censorship.

在中国,没有新闻检查制度。There is no news censorship in China.

那么,这种审查封杀了什么呢?So what did this censorship amount to?

那个国家采取了新闻检查制度。That country adopted press censorship.

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他的信被邮检扣下了。His message was throttled by censorship.

审查轨制很少被证实是合法的。Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified.

缅甸的印刷媒体和视听媒体均受政府监控。Censorship of printed and audiovisual media.

而日本国内的审查更为严厉。In Japan, the censorship was more draconian.

这种变异并非仅仅是由于审查。This variation is not all due to censorship.

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审查制度是亘古之艺术宿敌。Censorship is history’s greatest enemy of art.

第一章“新闻审查概论”。ChapterⅠ"introduction to censorship of press".

暗杀是审查的极端形式。Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.

同法律一样,审查制给社会公益带来好处。Like the law, censorship contributes to the common good.

泰国的电检制度越来越普遍。Thailand is becoming a country where censorship is rife.

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中国有着世界上最严格的网络监控程序。China has the most rigid censorship program in the world.

出版许可和出版控制在很多重要方面是不同的。Licensing differs from censorship in some important ways.

许多国家实行新闻审查。Press censorship is being carried out in many coun-tries.