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您还可以设置连接的重试时间间隔。You can also set the connection retry interval.

您可以从安装程序主菜单中重试。You may retry it from the installation main menu.

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如果发现干扰,就会回退并重试。If interference is detected, they back off and retry.

向打印设备输出时遇到写故障中止,重试?Write fault error writing device PRN , Abort , Retry?

关闭所有使用这个分区的应用程序再重新卸载。Close all applications that use it and retry to unmount.

我再次输入“David“,嗯,它将让我重试。And again I say "David," well, it's going to make me retry.

重试的次数和间隔是可配置的。The number of retries and the retry interval is configurable.

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然后重试构建操作,就会成功完成了。Then retry the build operation and it will complete successfully.

由买方指定的检验员签署了检测证。Invalid transformations detected. Verify and retry your transformations.

我不用int数,正如预期的那样,它开始对我大叫,并且说“重试“I culled int and as promised, it's going to yell at me by saying "retry."

如果所有指示灯均打开,拔下打印机的电源线,等待5分钟,再将电源线插入,然后重试。If all lights are on, unplug the printer, wait 5minutes, plug it back in, and retry.

增加了重试支持,允许在原语上指定重试计数。Retry support has been added, allowing a retry count to be specified on the primitive.

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发生故障时,让软件快速识别失败并重试请求。When failures happen, have software quickly identify those failures and retry requests.

执行一些必要的更改,然后确认并单击配置以重试配置。Make any necessary changes, confirm them, and click Configure to retry the configuration.

除了指定超时以外,您还可以通过可选的延迟来指定重试计数。In addition to specifying the timeout, you can specify a retry count with an optional delay.

如果所依赖服务的API是幂等的,那就意味着可以安全地对失败请求进行重试。If the API of a dependent service is idempotent, that means it is safe to retry failed requests.

您可能需要配置机器,请单击重新连接来更新连接状态。You may need to configure the machine,the click Retry connection to update the connection status.

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如果顾客的邮件服务器拒绝确认消息,那么您就想要稍后重新尝试发送该消息。If the customer's mail server rejects the confirmation message, you want to retry sending it later.

针对试是一项功能,旨在提高集群的效率,案件的临时交通挤塞问题。Directed Retry is a feature designed to improve the trunking efficiency in case of temporary congestion.

多次重试这些步骤,禁用并重新启用活动的或不活动的各种机器。Retry these steps numerous times, disabling and re-enabling various machines that are active or inactive.