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购买赛诺菲的股票。Buy stock in Sanofi.

因此,我卖掉了股票。So I sold the stock.

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什么是股票池?What is stock pool ?

你这儿有胸针吗?Do you stock brooches?

此股票的名称。The name of the stock.

印章店备有印章。Chop shops stock chops.

你们有雨衣存货吗?Do you stock raincoats?

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零食也要储足。Stock up on snacks, too.

如何贮备你的食物储藏室。How to stock your pantry.

或者投入股票市场。Or into the stock market.

股票行情暴跌。The stock market crashed.

股市行情看跌。The stock market tumbled.

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钓鱼竿你们有货吗?Do you stock fishing rods?

股票价格也下降了。Their stock price dropped.

但通用电气的股价在那一周还是下跌。The stock fell for the week.

证券市场活跃起来。The stock market brisked up.

目前我们有现货供应。We now can offer from stock.

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我已听厌了他“老一套”的回答。I'm tired of his stock reply.

现在,即使是在股票启动光盘!Now boots even on stock ROMs!

参加新建公司并取得股份。Join a start-up and get stock.