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飞往里昂的160航班在4号门登机。Vol 160 vers Lyon, porte 4.

杜登夫人穿着漂亮的鞋子。Madame Dupont porte de jolies chaussures.

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杜邦夫人穿着漂亮的鞋子。Madame Dupont porte de jolies chaussures.

里奇门准备阿索洛5月22日为第一期14费拉拉的开始。Richie Porte prepares for the start of stage 14 from Ferrara to Asolo May 22.

马吕斯从圣雅克门旅馆搬了出来,不愿在那里负债。Marius left the hotel de la Porte Saint-Jacques, as he did not wish to run in debt there.

可是,我们清楚背景合声是迈克尔和詹姆斯·波特共同的混合。It was known, however, that the background vocals were a combination of Michael and James Porte.

圣与尔丹门前有一个青年,独自用卡宾枪射击一个骑兵连。In front of the Porte Saint-Martin, a young man, armed with a rifle, attacked alone a squadron of cavalry.

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我公司生产销售福司马门,格子门、榻榻米床垫及和室装修材料。I prodotti di vendita ma fu porta, porte in lattice, materassi e tatami, camera e decorazione di materials.

法国巴黎第16届巧克力展在巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心拉开了序幕。The 16th Paris Chocolate Exhibition's opening ceremony was held in Paris Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center, France.

腾格拉尔这时是很愿意顺着卡德鲁斯的脾气行事的,他扶着他踉踉跄跄地沿着胜利港向马赛走去。Danglars took advantage of Caderousse's temper at the moment, to take him off towards Marseilles by the Porte Saint-Victor, staggering as he went.

俯瞰里海,宏伟的建筑模仿了19世纪法国建筑风格,并且配备舞厅和大小门廊。Overlooking the Caspian Sea, the grand building is designed to mimic 19th century French architecture, complete with a ballroom and porte cochere.

除此以外,在活着的人中,他只有一个常来往的知心朋友,圣雅克门的一个开书店的老头,叫鲁瓦约尔。Add to this, that he had no other friendship, no other acquaintance among the living, than an old bookseller of the Porte -Saint-Jacques, named Royal.

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据外媒今日报道,法国将在巴黎的凡尔赛门附近建造一座180米高、外形如同金字塔的摩天大楼。According to foreign media reports today, France near the Porte de Versailles in Paris to build a 180 meter high, as the pyramid shape of the skyscrapers.

坎塞拉拉所在的圣宝银行队其它队员也完成得很好,澳大利亚选手理查第四个完成,而瑞典选手拉尔森获得了第十名。Cancellara's Saxo Bank teammates rode well, too, with Australian Richie Porte finishing just off the podium in fourth and Swede Gustav Larsson finishing in 10th.

穿过圣保罗门,道路变得更狭窄,蜿蜒而上通往圣克莱尔城堡、诺阿耶别墅、耶尔城堡的遗迹和第一城墙。After passing through Porte Saint Paul, the streets get even narrowerand wind their way up to Castel Sainte Claire, Villa Noailles, and theremains of Hyères's château with its first rampart.

穿过圣保罗门,道路变得更狭窄,蜿蜒而上通往圣克莱尔城堡、诺阿耶别墅、耶尔城堡的遗迹和第一城墙。After passing through Porte Saint Paul, the streets get even narrower and wind their way up to Castel Sainte Claire, Villa Noailles, and the remains of Hyères's château with its first rampart.