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你提的那么一大块破铜烂铁是什么玩意?What's that hunk of steel you're carrying?

它们看起来确实像一大块塑料。They do look like a hunk of plastic, or glass.

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但着一切,都不改变车是原来的车。But for all that, it was the same hunk of stuff.

我们都搞不清那一层5公分的泥巴呢。None of us are clear about a 5 gram hunk of mud.

把这个小锡块和功夫熊猫比比看吧。Consider this hunk of tin beside the Kung Fu Panda.

从一个当地冰店买一些大块的干冰。Buy a little hunk of dry ice from a local ice house.

突然间我见要听从一个鬼魂的?Suddenly I'm taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm?

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突然我从一个鬼魂那里得到了人生的方向?。Suddenly I'm taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm?

简单来说,闭包就是指定的一段可执行代码。A closure is, quite simply, a named hunk of executable code.

“我弄了一大块,”我说,“搁在一块玉米饼上。”"I laid out a hunk of it, " I says, "on a piece of a corn-pone.

但是牛肉卡住了他的喉咙,他既不能说话也不能呼吸。But the hunk of steak was stuck, and he couldn’t talk or breathe.

你可以换车头灯,但车还是那辆车。You can replace the headlights and still be the same hunk of stuff.

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这个链接地址要能体现为什么您认为他是帅哥或她是美女。Any link to a photo that shows why this person is a Hunk or a Hottie.

这一块东西一直存在到2000年0,又存在到2006年。And that very same hunk continued into 2000 and it continued into 2006.

关键在于,要保持同一个东西,形而上的粘质是什么。That's what the key, the metaphysical glue is, being the same hunk of stuff.

那么你怎么知道,那个你想独占的魅力男人,在他的欲望名单上没有其它的女人?So how do you know if your have-it-all hunk has other women on his wish list?

烤碗上搁半只去皮鸡或一大块精猪腿肉。On top of the ramekin a skinless half chicken or a hunk of lean pork shoulder.

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有些人会回想起饭后的甜点是一片柳橙或是一大块的熟西瓜。Some of us recall when dessert was a sliced orange or a hunk of ripe watermelon.

于是现在,你的这位俊美的男士被变成了同样美味的大块巧克力!So now, your tastiest stud is transformed into an even tastier hunk of chocolate!

非素食大餐——必须要有一大块肉的大餐——今年曾风靡一时。Non-veg meals, that is meals that must include a hunk of meat, were a hit this year.