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我感到它刮擦着我的胳膊。I feel it scraping my arms.

刮痧能瘦腿吗?效果好不好?。Scraping can stovepipe it? Out good?

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但他却好像在刮一块铁一样。It was as if he was scraping a piece of iron.

他那打躬作揖的样子令人作呕。All his bowing and scraping makes people sick.

所有那些低三下四的话并没有打动他。All that bowing and scraping did not impress him.

我听到窗外有什么东西飞擦过去。I heard something scraping along outside the window.

简单的工作,是有人在网上刮好。Simple job for someone that is good at web scraping.

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刮痧时要避风、保暖。Avoid Wind and Keep Warm During Therapeutic Scraping.

刮除软骨膜,暴露软骨。The cartilage was exposed by scraping the perichondrium.

我忍受不了粉笔在黑板上的刮擦声。I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard.

我哥哥从他的盘子中把最后的鸡蛋碎屑刮下来。My brother was scraping the last of the egg from his plate.

或因刮削困难得不到数值小的粗糙度。Or because the scraping difficult not numerical small roughness.

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本设计研究的刮泥机为周边传动式。This design study for the scraping of the surrounding mud-drive.

他弯下腰,团起一堆白色的雪泥。He bent over and began scraping together a pile of the white mush.

他觉得她要把盘子上的花纹都擦掉了。He thought she'd take the pattern off the plate with the scraping.

服务员一个劲地点头哈腰领我们就座。Bow The waiter showed us to our table with much bowingand scraping.

与蚀刻素描不同的是,他们的技术不需要刮擦。Unlike the Etch A Sketch, their technique did not involve scraping.

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想起自己四个小时在屋顶上刮青苔。I thought of the four hours I’d just spent on the roof scraping moss.

猫会用爪子刨土把屎掩盖起来。Cats cover their own by scraping earth over it with one of their paws.

孩子们应该出去玩,爬爬树、磨练磨练膝部。Children should be out playing, climbing trees and scraping their knees.