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中国的人民币采用的是十进币制。China's Renminbi has a decimal system.

既然这样,为什么人民币备受关注呢?Why, then, so much focus on the Renminbi?

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如题!人民币升值会怎样?How will the appreciation of the renminbi?

她把她的人民币兑换成英镑。She converted her Renminbi into pound sterling.

公司预计到2015年,这一数字会达到人民币111亿元。Revenue could grow to 11.1 billion renminbi by 2015.

我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in USA.

人民币升值,福兮?祸兮?。Renminbi increasing in value, good fortune or misfortune?

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如果非要说有什么的话,倒是人民币对美元8.27元有点些微高估了。If anything, the renminbi was slightly overvalued at 8.27.

我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in U.S.A.

一美元相当于0.80欧元,6.82人民币。It was then worth 80 euro cents, and 6.82 Chinese renminbi.

我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用状。I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in U. S. A.

工人称中山市当前规定为九百元。It is currently 900 renminbi in Zhongshan, according to workers.

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让我看看,人民币一共2,475元。这是您的现金。Let me see. It comes to Renminbi 2,475 yuan. Here are your money.

禁止出售、购买伪造、变造的人民币。It is prohibited to sell or purchase counterfeit or altered Renminbi.

但在那次一次性升值之后,人民币几乎数月未升。But after that one-time increase, the renminbi barely rose for months.

中国人民银行经济特区分行批准的其他本外币存款。Other Renminbi and foreign currency deposits approved by SEZ branches.

除了两种参考价格用的是美元,所有的价格都是用的人民币。Aside from two reference prices in dollars, all prices are in renminbi.

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1月20日,上海汇市的人民币兑美元汇率为1美元兑6.5860元人民币。On Thursday, the renminbi was trading at 6.5860 per dollar in Shanghai.

关于人民币贷款计息和结息问题。I. On the issue of calculation and settlement of Renminbi loan interest.

第一百零四条对个人的罚款金额,为人民币一千元以下。Article 104 A fine on an individual shall not exceed Renminbi 1,000 yuan.