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路缘浅沟?。Curb ditch?

边沟?。Side Ditch?

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摈弃意见箱。Ditch the suggestion box.

帕特拉斯基躺在水沟里。Patrasche lay in the ditch.

问渠哪得清如许?Which asks the ditch clear?

他使水流入沟里。He ran the water into the ditch.

司机只好把公共汽车驶入沟中。The driver had to ditch the bus.

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马跳过了那条沟。The horse jumped over the ditch.

化学家跳水入沟。The chemist dived into the ditch.

水在沟中停滞而变浊。The water stagnates in the ditch.

那我们怎么甩掉这个糊涂蛋?So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?

沟内水深三英尺。The ditch held three feet of water.

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在…上开沟在…上冲出深深的沟壑或沟渠。To wear a deep ditch or channel in.

一具尸体在沟中被发现。A corpse was discovered in the ditch.

但是你不能仅仅失去那个电子。But you can't just ditch an electron.

他越过一条小水沟抄近道。He leapt over a ditch for a shortcut.

班尼把车从沟里拉了出来。Benny pulled the car out of the ditch.

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车从矿坑中吊出矿石。They winched the car out of the ditch.

那条沟排出沼泽中的水。That ditch drains water from the swamp.

那匹马跳过了那条深沟。The horse jumped across the deep ditch.