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建设市场主体不够成熟。The subject of construction market is immaturity.

所谓启蒙,就是人类抛弃自身设定的幼稚。Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity.

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性急,不明智、缺乏理性、过于谨慎或害怕。Hastiness, imprudence, unreasoning caution or fear, emotional immaturity.

这是一段人生的旅途,我们所在乎的和让我们难忘的是,一段用友谊支撑着走完的旅程。With the completion of the trip, I would like to put a period on my immaturity and start doing what I have to do.

年纪会增长、幼稚会成熟,无知可以教育,酒醉也会清醒,但是愚蠢却无药可救。Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown , ignorance can be educated and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.

利用未成熟的芒果为原料,研究低糖芒果果脯的生产技术。Making use of immaturity mango as raw material, and study out the produce technology of low-sugar preserved mango.

这些地球化学特征表明该区原油为未熟—低熟油。These characteristics indicate the crude oil of the Qijiawu area belongs to immaturity or lower maturity crude oil.

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我们一定要抗拒诱惑,不再靠已毒害我国政治许久的党派之私、褊狭和幼稚。Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that have poisoned our politics for so long.

党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政坛。Let us resist the temptation to fall behind on the alike partisanship and pettiness and immaturity those has poisoned our politics for so long.

牛堡组烃源岩有机质成熟度不高,主体处于未成熟-低成熟阶段。The organic matter maturity of the hydrocarbon source rocks from Paleogene Niubao Group is not high, almost in the stage of immaturity or low maturity.

其中结合型17例,无肛合并肠神经元异常9例,神经节细胞未成熟3例,神经节细胞减少1例,神经元发育异常2例。Among them, 17 were combining type, 9 imperforate anus associated with intestinal neuronal dysplasia, 3 immaturity of ganglion cells, 1 hypoganglionosis, 2 neuronal hypogenesis.