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史前人用打火石刀。Prehistoric man used flint knives.

西蒙那辆陈旧不堪的车还用吗?。Is Simon's prehistoric car still working?

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他的道德观念真是太陈腐了。His ideas on morals are really prehistoric.

鱼是由史前海洋生物演变而来的。Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.

这个酒吧装饰得像个史前岩洞似的。This har is decorated like a prehistoric cave.

一是史前艺术或原始艺术,一是有史载记录后的艺术。One is on prehistoric art or the primitive art.

史前怪物的展览幼稚可笑。The display of prehistoric monsters is comically naive.

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因此,并不存在官方版本的史前音乐。Hence, there is no official record of "prehistoric" music.

史前的木贼灯芯草长得很大。Horsetail rushes in prehistoric times grew to immense size.

但愿史前的滥交能精确被测量!If only prehistoric promiscuity could be precisely measured!

母亲弹奏钢琴的声音,父亲史前打字机的声音。My mother playing the piano, my dad's prehistoric Selectric.

研究者们现在确认这位史前的冰人是被谋杀的。Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered.

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像史前大象,水牛和其他这类的动物。like prehistoric elephants and buffalo and things like that.

这个史前骨骼估计有三万年之久。The age of this prehistoric skeleton is estimated at 30,000 years.

男人们诱捕,狩猎通常由史前野牛和猛犸组成的兽群。Bands of men went in search of herds of prehistoric bison or mammoth.

史前时代人们狩猎时,为求取食物而登山涉水。In the Prehistoric era, people had to swim across the river for food.

图书馆起源于史前时代结束之后。The beginning of libraries came after the end of the prehistoric era.

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毕竟,我们似乎已经杀死了所有史前的竞争对手。After all, we seem to have killed off all our prehistoric competitors.

想象一下,一个武装集团与史前猎人石尖矛。Imagine a group of prehistoric hunters armed with stone-tipped spears.

对于史前的猎人来说,他们头上的月亮正如他们的心跳。To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as heartbeat.