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这意味着龙钩镰割是好的武器。This means that the Dragon Scimitar is a good Slashing Weapon.

榻边的桌上摆着一柄威武的钢制弯刀。On a table by the side of the couch lay a mighty scimitar of steel.

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我看见一个人站在一个高高的讲台上,在两把巨大的半月形的弯刀之下。I saw a man standing on a raised dais , under two giant scimitar swords.

巴奇求助于更早期的设计,比如应用于达斯·摩尔“弯刀”号上的隐形技术。Batch turned to older designs, such as those used on Darth Maul's Scimitar.

目的探讨镰刀综合征外科治疗方法的选择。Objective To investigate how to choose the methods of surgical treatment for Scimitar syndrome.

蒂斯罗克之后,来了个高大的年轻人,头上裹着一个插羽毛、镶珠宝的头巾,身边佩一把象牙鞘的弯刀。After him came a tall young man with a feathered and jewelled turban on his head and an ivory-sheathed scimitar at his side.

艾哈盖步兵来自埃及和阿拉伯,多为马穆鲁克后裔,作战时装备盔甲、盾牌和弯刀。These quality troops are made up from Egyptians, Arabs and the sons of Mamluks. Equipped with good armour, shield and a scimitar.

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但弯刀综合征多伴右肺发育不良,心功能情况还须长期随访。The heart function of Scimitar syndrome should be followed-up for a long time for it usually associated with right lung hypoplasia.

这一卷衣服,再加上她的盔甲、盾牌、短弯刀,以及前副马鞍子和马儿的其余精美设备,都装在几只麻袋里。These, and her armour and shield and scimitar and the two saddles and the rest of the horses' fine furnishings were put into the sacks.

算时间,操作更方便。工程记忆500组,且每组可设定99个折弯刀序。99个折弯。Calculation time, the operation more convenient. Project memory 500 group, and each group can be set to 99 fold scimitar order. 99 Bending.

残余半月形狭窄血管有着相当高的发生率,正如先前报道过的2个行外科矫正术的患者那样。There were a relatively high incidence of residual scimitar drainage stenosis that is similar between the 2 reported corrective surgical techniques used.