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骑兵现在可对长矛部队冲锋了。Cavalry can now charge a spearman army.

资料采用秩和检验和等级相关分析的统计学处理方法。Data were analyzed by rank sum test and Spearman correlation test.

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斯皮尔曼无法说明普遍智力如何由大脑产生。How general intelligence arose from the brain, Spearman could not say.

“我们将努力把强烈的民主党在那里,”斯皮尔曼说。"We will be working strongly to put a Democrat in there, " Spearman said.

研究方法综合评价法,秩相关系数法,聚类分析法。Method of comprehensive evaluation, spearman rank relational coefficient and cluster analysis were employed.

利用秩相关系数法,筛选出影响河北省洼淀和沿海两个类型区夏蝗大发生的关键气象因子。The key meteorological factors affecting summer locust outbreak were selected by using Spearman Order Correlation methods.

本文介绍了关联度分析及其应用,并将该方法与相关分析进行了比较。Incidence degree analysis and application are presented in this article, and, it is also contracted with Pearson and Spearman correlation.

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因此基金短期间具有持续性现象,但长期间并不具有持续性现象。When we employ the Spearman Rank Correlation Test to evaluate the persistence, the result reveals the persistence does not exists in the long term.

为度量决策群体意见的一致度,定义了专家偏好与综合偏好的决策关联度系数和排序相关性系数。The relation degree index and the spearman rank correlation coefficient between the preference and the group are introduced to measure the group consistency degree.

采伐干扰有助于土壤养分之间相关性的建立,但这同具体的土壤养分有关。Spearman rank correlation test implied that, harvesting propelled the spatial correlation to create for soil nutrients, however, which were related substantial nutrients considered.