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水是天然的食欲抑制剂。Water is a natural appetite suppressant.

瘦素就好像是一种天然的“食欲抑制剂”。Leptin acts like a natural appetite suppressant.

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在光谱的所有颜色中,蓝色是一种抑制食欲的颜色。Of all the colors in the spectrum, blue is an appetite suppressant.

网里还有一条可以喷洒灭火剂的管子。The net also contains a tube for dispensing fire suppressant agent.

塑胶与橡胶之耐燃剂与抑烟剂之填料。A flame retardant and Smoke Suppressant fillers for Plastics and rubbers.

一些研究甚至表明,良好的睡眠甚至可以替代进食作用!Some studies even show that sleeping well can act as an appetite suppressant.

并分别对抑尘剂和固化层的各项性能进行评价。The performance of the dust suppressant and solidified layer a evaluated respectively.

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你会感到压抑食欲,影响工作立即在同一天。You will feel the appetite suppressant effects working immediately within the same day.

脾切除术还消除了抑制骨髓生产或释放血小板的作用。The splenectomy also removes a suppressant of bone marrow platelet production or release.

水是一种天然的食欲抑制剂,不要低估这句话的意思。Water is a natural appetite suppressant . Do NOT underestimate the power of this statement.

某种有机的润湿剂或消泡剂十分有助于形成可过滤的半水物。An organic wetting agent or foam suppressant is quite helpful in the formation of filterable hemihydrate.

我也吃了抑制食欲的药物,是有用的,但它可能是一个残疾人,但更好的胃口。I have also eaten appetite suppressant drug, was useful, but it could be a disabled, but a better appetite.

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美沙酮可以用作为镇痛药、抑制咳嗽及用以治疗有吸食海洛英等习惯的吸毒者。Methadone can be used as analgesic, cough suppressant and anti-addictive maintenance in people who are on opioids.

在过去一年,她还吃含有苯丙醇胺抑制食欲的成药。She has also been taking an over-the-counter appetite suppressant containing phenylpropanol-amine daily during the past year.

瘦蛋白就像是一种天然的食欲遏制剂,天生缺乏这种激素的婴儿甚至会因为吃得太多在上幼儿园之前体重就达到100磅,体内没有这种激素的老鼠会长成一个无精打采的大肉球。Leptin acts like a natural appetite suppressant. Kids born without the hormone can top 100 pounds before they hit kindergarten.

在听过他的症状自述并为他做了检查之后,我建议他多吃流食、多休息,同时服用止咳药和鼻血管收缩药。After hearing about his symptoms and examining him, I suggested fluids, rest and maybe a cough suppressant and nasal decongestant.

所以,开发和研究新型抑爆材料对瓦斯爆炸灾害的防治具有重要意义。So it is greatly important to research and develop the new explosion suppressant for gas explosion disaster prevention and mitigation.

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阿滴浆轰炸机在附近的火灾在博尔德的福迈尔卡宁火灾威胁家园抑负荷,科罗拉多州2010年9月6日。A slurry bomber drops a load of fire suppressant near threatened homes in the Fourmile Canyon fire in Boulder, Colorado September 6, 2010.

赋予软聚氯乙烯材料阻燃性的方法中,添加无机阻燃消烟剂是被普遍采用的方法之一。Adding the inorganic flame retardant and smoke suppressant to the flexible PVC is a very popular method to enhance the flame-retardant property.

该设备将可以置入体内而无须免疫抑制药物,从而允许病人拥有更加正常的生活水平。The device would then be implanted in the body without the need for immune suppressant medications, allowing the patient to live a more normal life.