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狮子还吓唬你吗?。Does the lion return gally you?

有些人还冒充黑道来恐吓我。Some people still pretend to be Hei Daolai gally me.

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当然,我们不能真打,也就是吓唬,点到为止。Of course, we cannot be hit really, namely gally , the dot arrives till.

没错,你抓住了卡莱尔对佳莉和苏珊娜的感受。Yes, I think that captures very well Carlisle's feelings for Gally and Susanna.

而帝国主义者也总是喜欢以自己的强大来吓唬人的。And the imperialist always also likes to come formidably with his of gally person.

我看是拿着权威在吓唬那些个人站长有必要说明一下了。I look is to taking authority to be in gally those individual stationmaster be necessary to explain.

我在晚上容易编恐怖的画面吓唬自己,请问有什么办法可以解决?。I make up bloodcurdling picture him gally easily in the late evening, what method can be solved excuse me?

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睡觉前老是自己吓唬自己想一些恐怖的画面怎么回事?怎么办?Before sleeping often how does him him gally think picture of a few bloodcurdling returns a responsibility? How to do?

眼看杏儿要跟别人走了,他终于起了杀心,随后又装鬼吓唬村里人。Soon apricot should go with others, he rose to kill a heart eventually, hold person of ghost gally village again subsequently.

网友“春花”显然对此产品不屑一顾,“哪儿有什么鬼魂啊,纯粹是花钱吓唬自己。”" netizen " spring flower " distain to be considered to this product apparently, "Has what spirit, it is beautiful money him gally purely.

佳莉与苏珊娜代表了两种类型的生活方式尤其是爱情方式,一种停留在纯物质层面,一种达到灵肉合一的境界。Gally and Susanna present two ends of lifestyle and, especially love style, one is materialized, and the other is "a presence in your mind as well as a physical entity".

有一句有名的论断是“艺术源于生活”,佳莉、苏珊娜、卡莱尔、弗朗西丝卡、金凯等角色是否源于生活在你周围的人们?Like the saying goes, "arts originate from life", are there any origination relation between Gally , Susanna, Carlisle, Francesca, Kincaid, etc. and people living around you?