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卧室礼仪。Bedroom Etiquette.

我赌卧室疚在上面。My bedroom just above.

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我有一间漂亮的卧室缷。I have a lovely bedroom.

我把它放在睡房里面。I keep it in my bedroom.

它一路飞进了我的卧室。It flew into my bedroom.

卧室已打扫干净了。The bedroom sweeps well.

我的卧室就在上面。My bedroom is just above.

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他把单车放在睡房里。He keeps it in his bedroom.

我卧室是朝南的。My bedroom is south-facing.

在房间里做个母老虎。Be a tigress in the bedroom.

他在卧室里找到了她。He found her in the bedroom.

他从来不收拾卧室。He never tidies his bedroom.

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他跑囘妈妈的卧室。He ran back to Mom's bedroom.

我告诉他这是我的卧室。I told him it was my bedroom.

把椅子搁放到卧室里。Put the chair in the bedroom.

我重新装修了卧室。I have redecorated my bedroom.

黄克文在他的卧室里。Kevin Huang is in her bedroom.

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冥后珀尔塞福涅阴暗的卧室into Persephone's dark bedroom

在你们卧室里哟电视机吗?Do you have a TV in the bedroom?

一个卧室家具项目。One bedroom " furniture " items.