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战场上枪炮林立。The battlefield was bristled with guns.

疆场的景象令人毛骨悚然。The sight of the battlefield was horrible.

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我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集会。We are met on the battlefield of that war.

战场成了他们的练兵场。The battlefield became their training ground.

这个旧战场实际是一个庆典。The battlefield is, in effect, a celebration.

这个战场曾尸横遍地。The battlefield was a scene of great carnage.

战场完全是一片大屠杀的惨象。The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.

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为了感谢你们能亲赴沙场参战。For presenting yourselves on this battlefield.

了望塔忽略了中央战场。Watch Towers overlook the central battlefield.

呀,麻麻全看到了,会不会责备我们还得她收拾战场啊?If Master blame us for tidy up the battlefield?

阿瑞斯站在战场上,观察着克瑞托斯。Ares stands on the battlefield observing kratos.

课堂是教育,也是德育实践的主阵地。Classroom is the battlefield of moral education.

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他把牧羊的法则应用到了决斗场上。He brought a shepherd’s rules to the battlefield.

卡扎菲说,随时做好战斗准备,牺牲者的鲜血是战场上的燃料。The blood of martyrs is fuel for the battlefield.

信史带来了有关于战场的消息。The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield.

两军在战场上短兵相接。The two armies met face to face on the battlefield.

齐鲁双方把战场设在了长勺。The Qi-Lu parties set the battlefield in Chang Shao.

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他扔掉大枪,从战场上逃跑了。He threw down his rifle and ran from the battlefield.

战场上的臭气在周围绵延好几里。The stench of the battlefield spread for miles around.

一种战地三明治问世了。It has come up with a sandwich fit for the battlefield.