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这个公寓什麽时候可以出租?Is the apartment furnished or unfurnished?

拥有家具设备,如果无傢俱设备也可。Have own furniture, so unfurnished will be fine.

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你需要带家具还是不带家具的公寓?Do you need a furnished or unfurnished apartment?

最后,模拟假定房间中的空气分布。The airflows in unfurnished room were the simulated.

你想要带家具的还是不带家具的?。Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished house?

我们的公寓有三层,没有楼梯,直接爬上去,我太太没设置任何家具就把它租出去了。Our flat was three-story, not flights climbing up, my wife rented it unfurnished.

不带家具的公寓大部分也都有供暖系统、空调和冰箱。Most unfurnished apartments have heating systems, air conditioners, and refrigerators.

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咱们这一次实在有点措手不及。什么!我的女儿到劳伦斯神父那里去了吗?We shall be much unfurnished for this time. What, is my daughter gone to Friar Laurence?

他们修一座两层或三层的房子,但是第二次根本没装修。They build a two-storey or three-storey house, but the second floor can be totally unfurnished.

无论公寓是否配备家具,通常都有炉灶和冰箱等主要厨具。Both furnished and unfurnished apartments usually include major kitchen appliances such as a stove and a refrigerator.

要设法讨价还价,尤其是那些没有配备家具的房子。通常,这样的房子附近会有二手家具市场,在那里可以淘到你需要的一切。Try to negotiate the rent, especially if it's an unfurnished flat. There are usually second-hand furniture shops nearby where you can get everything you need.

我第一次见到他时,他刚在几个月前从福特公司获得1千万美元,他独自住在位于休斯敦的一间又小又黑又没有家具的公寓里。When I first met him, a few months after he received ten million dollars from Ford, he was living by himself in a small, dark unfurnished apartment in Houston.

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这些变化在村博物馆更为直观,馆里陈列着一系列农民碎石,劳作,生活的破旧房屋的照片。That message is reinforced at the village museum, where old propaganda footage shows farmers breaking rocks, labouring in the fields and living in small, unfurnished homes.