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大火卷来,人们纷纷逃窜。The people took flight be fore the onrushing fire.

你会被这个峡谷所震慑,崇山峻岭,汹涌的河水以及其他壮观的景色。You will be shocked by the arduous valley, steep mountains, onrushing river and other natural sights.

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出版商在“如今汹涌澎湃的数字革命的时代里变得暗淡”这种说法是不合实际情况的。The idea that publishers "now appear frozen in the headlights of the onrushing digital revolution" is simply untrue.

史密斯在72分钟马什的进球里扮演了重要角色,他精彩的把球长传给高速插上的吉米-穆兰。Smith was the architect of a fine second for Marsh on 72 minutes, spraying the ball brilliantly wide to the onrushing Jamie Mullan.

这对一个时尚、发达的国家来说是另一种轰动,甚至对一个沉睡中的郊区来说也是这样,那里也又少数人在夜间活动。It's another dollop of sensation for a stylish, onrushing country, and even in a sleepy suburb, it has kept a few people up at night.

马库斯。纽梅尔的右路弧线传中被罗西顶到,布莱克冲上来冷静的将球吊过出击的卡罗尔。Markus Neumayr's looping cross from the right was headed down by Rossi, and the onrushing Blake calmly slid the ball past the advancing Croll.

乌克兰射手接到菲利普斯的传球,但是被出击的李扑倒在禁区里。The Ukrainian forward had been put through by Wright-Phillips but lost his footing and was already falling when he fell over the onrushing Lee.

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臣民们愤怒了,全都一窝蜂涌上来,想要解救他们的公主,未来的女王陛下!The subjects of a ruler mow up rough, all an onrushing crowd surge forward, want to give relief to their princess, hereafter queen his monarchy!

第57分钟,维埃拉一记传球打在对方球员身上弹回自家禁区前沿,托雷斯单刀插上,右脚推射,赛萨倒地将球扑出了底线。Vieira knocked a pass against an onrushing player after 57 minutes and the ball ran through to Torres, whose low drive was tipped round the post.

进球的除了克洛泽还能有谁。他将厄普森抗在身后,用脚尖把球捅进了出击的詹姆斯身后的球门。It was none other than Miroslav Klose who opened the scoring, outmuscling Upson before just reaching the ball with his toe to prod it past the onrushing James.

快速发展的网络时代带给我们新发现的力量,这在卓迪威廉身上有所体现,她成立了单个女子机构,用电子邮件的形式,呼吁全世界禁止陆地采煤。The onrushing Cyber Age has given newfound power to us all, as seen in Jody William's one-woman organization using email to promote a global ban on land mines.

第26分钟,阿里克斯斯克特面对出击的门将一记精确制导的挑射入空门让三狮军团取得领先。Alex Scott gave the Three Lions the lead after 26 minutes with a superbly guided finish to lob the ball over the onrushing Ulrike Schmetz and into the empty net.

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当扎贝尔的公司因债务陷入困境,且他华尔街“星房”的同事根据雷曼兄弟的指示将其关闭时,他站在了疾驰的地铁前。When Zabel's firm is hobbled by debt and his colleagues in the Wall Street star chamber shut it down à la Lehman Brothers, he steps in front of an onrushing subway train.

迪乌夫73分钟替换鲁尼出场,最后把比分锁定在3-0。他是在补时阶段在斯查福德看台前面头球吊射得手。Diouf, sent on for Wayne Rooney on 73 minutes, put the icing on the cake of United's 3-0 win, stealing in during injury time to head over the onrushing Brian Jensen at the Stretford End.

2000年总统选举中为乔治布什暗算了的戈尔先生,认为全球变暖是一场即将爆发的大灾难,是人类面临的最迫切的挑战。Nipped at the post by George Bush in 2000, Mr Gore calls global warming an " onrushing catastrophe" and argues vigorously that curbing it is the most urgent moral challenge facing mankind.