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依我来评价,他应占首位。He comes first in my estimation.

公众对他的评价很高。He stands high in public estimation.

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最大功耗估计问题是一个NP难题。Maximum power estimation is a NP-hard problem.

估计水位线以下的最大深度。Estimation of maximum depth below the water line.

赫尔默特方差分量估计公式。The Helmert variance component estimation formula.

对土壤AWC进行经验估算,是一种有效方法。Empirical estimation is available for study of soil AWC.

类点方法提供了系统层次的估计。The class point approach provides system-level estimation.

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GPS定位,短基线,子样容量,精度评定。GPS, Short baseline, Sample quantity, Precision estimation.

首先介绍了无罪推定的形式特征。First introduced the innocent estimation form characteristic.

模态参数估计过程已经够复杂的了。The modal parameter estimation process is complicated enough.

请确保将这种类型的活动与评估区分开来。Be sure to differentiate this type of activity from estimation.

作物识别是遥感作物估产的基础。Crop identification is the basic work in crop yield estimation.

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用负阻值估算开关时间。Estimation of RTD switching time by negative resista nce value.

另一方面,估算是在项目的早期进行预测的。On the other hand, estimation is expected early in the project.

目的构建计算机法医骨学推断专家系统。Objective To build an expert system for forensic bones estimation.

如果是女人,你要估价三百四十二克银子。And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels.

此系统实现了超声多普勒胎心率的计算和心率值实时输出。Based on this system, FHR estimation and real-time output achieved.

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我的一切,都和对我的评价密不可分"Everything with me depends upon the estimation in which I am held."

达什伍德太太同玛丽安一样,也认为他是完美无缺的。In mrs. dashwood's estimation he was as faultless as in marianne's.

岭回归分析是一种非线性的有偏估计方法。Ridge Regression Analysis is a nonlinear partial estimation method.