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爸爸还以沮丧的笑声。Father gave a rueful laugh.

埃伦对我凄然一笑。Ellen gave me a rueful smile.

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鲁莽的青春造成可怜的日子。Reckless youth makes rueful age.

那男孩的第一声惨叫是一声惨笑The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh

一只小小的煤气喷嘴就照亮了如此可怜的一个角落。A small gas-jet furnished sufficient light for so rueful a corner.

在他们同意分开后他写的许多忏悔信件中,他叫她“我的小傻瓜。”In a more rueful letter written after they had agreed to separate, he calls her "My Lumps."

马勒与史特劳斯、西贝流士、还有荀白克,同声唱出十九世纪浪漫主义最后的悲歌。Along with Strauss, Sibelius and, yes, Schoenberg, Mahler sang the last rueful songs of nineteenth-century romanticism.

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看着球打进球网,露出苦涩的笑脸的卢卡斯非常高兴与利物浦官网谈论这个有趣而意义重大夜晚。Several goals and a rueful smile later, he was happy to chat to . tv about a fun evening with an important message behind it.

倒霉的失主忘了系上腕带,于是看着他的照相机在空中画了一条完美的抛物线后沉入水中。It is last seen by its rueful owner, who omitted to use a wrist strap, describing a perfect parabola on its way to the depths.

不过,本轮反弹仍然是美元汇率的一个重要转折点,长期处于弱势的美元已经成了美国人的一个自嘲对象。Still, it represents a significant turning point for a currency whose long weakness had turned it into a source of rueful amusement for Americans.

我敢说,大多数人在海滩度假的时候,都会有那么一两次,因为最近发生了一些事,或是卷入了什么争执,以致分心或懊丧。Most of us, I dare say, have spent a vacation or two at the beach rueful and distracted by something we've recently done, some conflict we've gotten ourselves involved in.