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在RAM中的这个地方。That is here in RAM.

我把钉子钉进去。I ram the nails home.

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宠坏的小羊将成了脾气坏的大羊。A pet lamb dos a cross ram.

宠坏的小羊将变成脾气坏的大羊。A pet lamb makes a cross ram.

新iPhone将有更快的处理器和更大的内存容量Speedier processor and more RAM

这只公羊生的羊羔好。This ram is throwing good stock.

我真喜欢那只公羊-你有这本书吗?I just love that ram – you have it?

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小心那只公羊,它会用角撞你。Be careful of that ram —it butts you.

拉姆•卡兹,1969年出生于以色列。Ram Katzir was born in Israel in 1969.

亚伯拉罕昂起头,看见一只公羊。Then Abraham looked up, and he saw a ram.

亚伯拉罕昂起头,看见一只公羊。Then abraham looked up, and he saw a ram.

道奇公羊固订安装在天花板上。Installation Dodge Ram fixed on the ceiling.

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打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查。Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection.

你可能有两G的。RAM I mean you might have two gigabytes of RAM.

你对闯劲十足的羊儿过于敏感。You are far too sensitive for the aggressive Ram.

侧门是闸板防喷器中的关键部件。The side-door is a key component in ram preventer.

为表,膝,主轴鹅毛笔,公羊正锁。Positive locks for table, knee, spindle quill, ram.

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当你双击一个程序,它被加载到内存中。When you double-click a program, it's loaded into RAM.

还有一块是一只回头的公羊。Another piece depicted a ram with his head turned back.

滑枕和横梁为滚珠丝杠。Ball screws for ram adjustment and crossrail adjustment.