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如你所知,人智学并非宗教。As you know, Anthroposophy is not a religion.

这个存在体是跟人智学中的高层次的”我“连系的。This being is linked or connected to the higher "I" from the point of Anthroposophy.

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尽管是见神论和人智学,亚特兰蒂斯的概念也进入纳粹神秘主义。Through theosophy and anthroposophy the concept of atlantis also entered nazi mysticism.

作为一个明显的精神运动,人智学有时也被称为宗教哲学。As an explicitly spiritual movement, anthroposophy has sometimes been called a religious philosophy.

他还通过他的人性理论对现实社会进行了批判,其中不乏独到之见解。He also animadverted the practical society through his theory of anthroposophy which included many original opinions.

如果围绕学校的社团在健康自由的氛围下有受到良好的人智学培训,学校将做到最好。Nevertheless, schools do best if Anthroposophy is being cultivated in the community around them in a healthy and free manner.

如果学校想成长为一个繁荣昌盛的华德福学校需要与人智学有一个健康丰富关系。The school itself needs to have a healthy fertile relationship with Anthroposophy if it is to grow and thrive as a Waldorf school.

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社团没有活跃的人智学学习说明学校运行时得不到深层次的支持。Communities that do not have active study groups in Anthroposophy remark that in the long run their schools seem unfed at a deeper level.

人智学与现代科学在这方面的差异往往得不到足够重视。It cannot often enough be emphasized how great is the difference, in this respect, between Anthroposophy and the current science of to-day.

人智学认为,人类是进化的,是可以通过发展新的“理解力”来把新的世界带入他的领域。Anthroposophy shows man to be capable of evolution, capable of bringing new worlds within his sphere by the development of new organs of perception.

作为一个人智学工作者,我将如何按照自己的精神体所呈现的想法来生活并与其他的精神体合作?To what extent, as a person connected with Anthroposophy , do I live the thought of my own spiritual presence and of co-working with other spiritual beings?

凭借对世界的精神性理解,人智学在上述过程中看到了一个人“物质体”的诞生,但“以态体”仍未出生。A spiritual understanding of the world, as represented by Anthroposophy , sees in this process the birth of the physical body, but not as yet of the etheric or life-body.

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第一部分从人智学,从植物和身体之间的对应关系的角度来介绍人。This book helps us find meaning in illness. The first part describes the human being from the perspective of anthroposophy and the correspondence between plants and the body.