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我们正处于拐点。We are at the inflection point.

能否成为美国市场转折点?An Inflection Point in the US Market?

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我认为,我们正处于拐点。I think we are at an inflection point.

她又一次听到英国口音。Again, she heard the English inflection.

用有感染力、充满感情的声音和宝宝说话。Talk to baby with inflection and feeling.

但在这个时候,建业拐点。But at this time, Jianye inflection point.

睾丸的拐点日龄和公猪的初情期接近。The day of growth inflection point is puberty.

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注意上面图表中的拐点,他们极其精确地符合替代品的应用状况。Note the points of inflection in the graphs above.

在英语中有些疑问句需要用升调。In English, some questions have a rising inflection.

埃及革命正进入一个艰难的拐点。The Egyptian revolution is at a difficult inflection point.

屈折变化往往是通过规则化的过程来变化的。Inflection often change by a process of rule-generalization.

描述剧中人说话的声音和任何音调转变。Describe the voice your character is using and any inflection.

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崩盘?拐点?泡沫上海房价走势该唱什么调?Shanghai real estate bubble, inflection point, the trend sing what tune?

实际上就是团体生活的一个“拐点”。The Jam is, in fact, an "inflection point" in the life of the community.

变化你的声音来避免单调或者太过喧闹。Use the inflection of your voice to avoid a monotone or singsong approach.

以词与词之间的关系为基础的合乎语法的词形变化。The determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations.

如果这种判断是正确的,这就意味着劳动力市场已经达到了一个转折点。If this is right, it suggests the labor market has reached an inflection point.

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团购市场拐点来临,行业分流状况显露。The group buys advent of market inflection point, industry billabong state is shown.

但是租赁市场正在收紧,建筑商们已经在谈论拐点。But rental markets are tightening and builders are already talking about inflection points.

我们今天在一个关键时刻开会,这是互联网历史中的转折点。Look, we are meeting at a pivotal moment, an inflection point in the history of cyberspace.