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1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941.

宫崎骏很少描写简单的善与恶。Miyazaki rarely traffics in simple good and evil.

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现在60多岁,宫崎没有显示出放缓的迹象。Now in his sixties, Miyazaki shows no sign of slowing down.

当宫崎先生走下汽车时,人群中爆发出掌声。The crowd applauds Mr. Miyazaki as he steps out of the van.

宫崎骏会设计这样的建筑不足为奇。It’s no surprise to learn that Miyazaki designed the building.

从那以后,我几乎看了宫崎骏的所有电影。Since then, I nearly watched all movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki.

另一张宫崎先生被照相机和摄像装置包围的照片。Another picture of Miyazaki surrounded by cameras and recording devices.

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宫崎骏知道现在世界需要他。他也听到了影迷们的呼唤。Hayao Miyazaki knows the world needs him right now. He's heard our call.

目前还没有报导说有人在宫崎县这次疫情中受到感染。There have been no reported human infections from the Miyazaki outbreak.

宫崎吾郎先生在我正要离席时问道,「你喜欢这部电影吗?」Mr Goro Miyazaki asked me just as I was leaving, "Did you like the movie?"

宫崎先生的研究比较集中于社会制度方面。Mr. Miyazaki relatively concentrated in the research aspects of the social system.

宫崎骏的动画电影是充满童趣的。There were some children's interesting elements in Miyazaki Hayao's animated films.

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此变化有可能与宫崎地震相关。This feature might be related to the preparation process of the Miyazaki earthquake.

另外,宫崎骏在很多电影中都提到了环保问题。Miyazaki often alludes to environmentalism, a theme explored in a number of his films.

它着重于宫崎骏刻画的一个看破红尘和愤世嫉俗的个人化的自画像。Its focus on Marco as disillusioned and cynical is a personal self-portrait by Miyazaki.

对于由吉卜力工作室的宫崎吾朗所制作之地海电影「格得战记」之第一回应。First Response to "Gedo Senki, " the Earthsea film made by Goro Miyazaki for Studio Ghibli.

尽管他在非亚洲国家的名气并不响,但在他的国家,宫崎骏可是家喻户晓。Though he is not well-known outside Asia, Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland.

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这6头种牛是提供日本著名的牛肉品牌"宫崎牛"的仅存种牛。The 6 bulls are the only remaining breeding animals for the highly sought-after "Miyazaki beef".

手绘动画也许会像恐龙一样灭绝,但不要对宫崎骏讲这些。Hand-drawn animation may be going the way of the dinosaurs, but don't say that to Hayao Miyazaki.

这部影片获得了空前的成功,使宫崎骏与高畑勋得以自行筹组公司—吉卜力工作室。It was a huge success, enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company, Studio Ghibli.