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亚洲其他国家与日本的铝需求量也活跃起来。Offtake from other Asian and Japanese consumers has also been brisk.

美国国内消费量的下降成为美国豆粕供需形势的焦点,豆油数量的下降源于国内消费及出口。S. domestic usage headlined the U. S. soybean meal balance with domestic use and exports sharing the moderated soybean oil offtake.

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因此,在经销商处发生的罢工不得解除其对项目公司负有的购买义务。Accordingly, strikes occurring at a Distributor's operations should not relieve the Distributor from its offtake obligations to the Company.

美国国内消费量的下降成为美国豆粕供需形势的焦点,豆油数量的下降源于国内消费及出口。Softer U. S. domestic usage headlined the U. S. soybean meal balance with domestic use and exports sharing the moderated soybean oil offtake.

由于人井F1的出水管暴露在人井外,且已锈蚀腐烂,完全失去了排水作用。故F1下游排水渠需从新铺设。AS the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed, it has completed rotten, and lost the drainage function, so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake.

最新世界黄金协会的季度需求统计数据显示,尽管金价上升,黄金珠宝需求在过去四个季度中依旧明显改善。Latest World Gold Council quarterly demand statistics showed that gold jewellery offtake has improved over the past four quarters despite a higher gold price.

他同时还包括一些诸如煤气调压站、变配电室、热力交换站、公共厕所、自行车棚等室外工程。He also including some, such as gas offtake station, variable power distribution room, heat exchange stations, public toilets, shelter, and other outdoor projects.

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根据该协议的条款,湖南省的中国公司湖南华菱涟钢进出口和进出口有限公司预计将签署购电协议与哈腓拉。Under the terms of the agreement, Hunan Province-based Chinese company Hunan Valin Liangang Import and Export Co. is expected to sign an offtake agreement with Havilah.

工业需求增加和投资者对西方市场的担忧料将继续推高白银价格.It is the two-pronged support of a rise in industrial offtake and ongoing support from investor nervousness in western markets that is expected to continue driving silver prices.

白银主要需求来源--传统影像的减少所产生的空缺尚未被太阳能面板光电管等新应用所填补.The offtake lost from the decline of traditional photography -- silver's main source of demand -- has not been replaced by evolving new uses such as photovoltaic cells in solar panels.

中国透过融资与采购供给交易挂钩方式,以确保长期供应无虞,此一策略仍在进行.China -- the world's biggest consumer of many metals including copper and iron ore -- is pressing forward with its strategy to secure long-term supplies by linking financing with offtake deals.