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网路世界提供了我们一个现实的逃避。The Internet provides us an elusion of reality.

人均住房面积标准可以杜绝‘假离婚避税法’。It could eliminate the tax elusion by way of false divorce.

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收拾这份复杂的心情,似乎想要选择逃避。Tidy up this complicated mood, seem to want to choose elusion.

假如知道结局是这样,那时的我宁愿选择逃避!If know final outcome is so, that time of I rather choose elusion !

同时,分析了遵循先例的规避机制的运用。In the same time, we analyze the elusion of the precedent mechanism.

你明明知道他爱的人是你,为什么要逃避?You know clearly the person whom he loves is you, why wanting elusion?

勇敢面对现实选择逃避就等于选择了被吞噬!Stand up to the realistic choice elusion was equal to choose to is gobble up!

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无论怎样的逃避,逃避的后果都是以成功为代价。The elusion that is no matter how it is, evasive results all take success as price.

二是建立了企业整体现金流量风险约束条件,为企业财务风险规避提供依据。It can forecast the risk caused by the fluctuation of cash flow and provide foundation of risk elusion.

广告受众对媒介广告有极强的选择性和回避性。The advertisement audience has the greatly strengthened selectivity and elusion to the media advertisement.

从优化产业结构和解决市场失灵问题的角度,提出了规避市场风险的方法和途径。From the angle of optimizing industry structure and solving market failure, we point out the means of market risk elusion.

文章分析了西南库区移民的致贫机理及其相应的规避路径。This paper examine on the pauperization mechanism and elusion path for the reservoir emigration of the southwest of China.

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旅游者旅游消费的理性化、旅游理念更新以及心理因素等是产生“旅游规避”的原因。The rational tourism consumption, new tourism concept and psychological factors of tourists are the reasons for "tour elusion".

这就需要旅游利益相关者采取措施,正确对待并引导黄金周“旅游规避”行为。Therefore, relative departments of tourism should take actions to properly handle and steer the "tour elusion" in "Gold Weeks".

同时,文章还分析了风险认知的个性差异与群体差异,并对旅游风险的防范与规避提出了建议。It also does an analysis of the individuality and cluster differences and makes some suggestions for travel risks precaution and elusion.

结论成功建立了胆管癌细胞系QBC939裸鼠肝门部胆管原位种植瘤模型。Con- elusion Human hilar cholangiocarcinoma cell line QBC939 orthotopic implantation tumor model is suc- essfully established in nude mice.

合理引导“旅游规避”不仅有利于维持黄金周旅游效应,而且可以开辟新的假日旅游需求点。To steer a reasonable "tour elusion" will not only maintain the effect of "Gold Week" tourism but also explore the new demand for holiday tourism.

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本论文基于“管理生态学”的思想,对人力资源生态进行研究的基础上,探讨人力资源投资风险及其规避问题。Based on the thought of "management Ecology" and on human resources ecology, the paper discussed the risks of human resource investment and their elusion.

为促进我国对外贸易的发展,加强我国在国际贸易中的竞争力,必须完善我国反规避立法。So, in order to improve our external trade, and strengthen competitive power of international trade, we must work hard to prefect our inverse elusion lawmaking.

潜艇使用噪声干扰器后的航向规避关系到水声对抗的效果和潜艇的规避成功概率。After using noise jammer, submarine′s course relate to the effect of acoustic countermeasure against torpedo and the successful elusion probability of submarine.