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这样的方案是行得通的.Such a scheme is workable.

他提出的办法是行得通的。His suggestion is workable.

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他提出的办法是行不通的。His suggestion is not workable.

准新郎觉得这个解决方案似乎比较可行。Well, to him this seemed a workable solution.

请惠知本公司贵方可交货的数量。Please let us know what your workable quantity is.

最容易开始练习的是上节管区域的音。The most workable register is the upper chalameaux.

我相信这一定是个可行的方案。I believe that this is definitely a workable solution.

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敬拜能带给我们使生命发挥功能的结构与重心。A. Worship gives us a workable structure and focus for life.

为什么这种生物体不能进化回归到适用的范围内呢?Why doesn't the organism return to the range of the workable?

只使用了五行代码,我就有了一个可工作的存根。With a mere five lines of code, I have a workable testing stub.

你的想法在理论上是不错的,但在实践中行不通。Your idea sounds perfect in theory, but is not workable in practice.

这本是一场入理切情的戏剧性冲突,却只有一半的演员表现到位。It’s a workable dramatic conflict, but only half the team can act it.

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将正电子寿命谱仪的可工作能区分成42个小块。The workable region for a spectrometer was divided into 42 small regions.

如果我们集思广益,也许能讨论出一个切实可行的计划。If we lay our heads together, we can probably thresh out a workable scheme.

拟发定具体可行的学校本位教师评鑑方案。", and" Drawing up solid and workable school-based teacher evaluation system.

再检查一下确保”社交自我“没有在排除那些可行的方法。Double-check to make sure your social self isn't ruling out workable solutions.

这是卡贝尔的主意,而维特特殊的才能让这计划变得可行。It was Cabell's idea, and Veidt's peculiar talents, that made the plan workable.

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金属能被加工是它在工业上得以广泛应用的原因之一。The metal's being workable is one of reasons why it is so widely used in industry.

拦河索是一种简单易行、功能可靠的闸门安全设施。Halting rope is a safe means of lock gates, which is simple, workable and reliable.

目的探讨切实有效的临床护士在职教育方法。Objective To probe into workable and effective on-job education for clinical nurses.