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是的,压力。Ah yes, stress.

好长一段梦啊。A long dream ah.

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啊,我觉得头昏脑涨的。Ah. I feel dizzy.

啊,一个香奈儿钱包。Ah a Chanel purse.

啊,不错,我的父亲!Ah yes, my father!

编者的话你啊?Editor's Note ah you?

要气死人了,什么东西啊。To the dead, what Ah.

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好怀恋你们啊!Ah nostalgia you good!

但是笛卡尔形式发生了什么呢?Ah yes, didn't change.

那味道怎么样啊?It tastes like how ah?

阿·坎特纳尔将会到来。Ah Kantenal shall come.

啊哈,把它分成两半。Ah ha, split it in half.

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人生有几多“第一次”啊?How has life "first" ah?

李波,你在那里啊。Li Bo, where are you ah.

你想耍流氓啊?You want to bullying ah?

阿富跟着她那里。Ah Fu followed her there.

啊,那是一辆旧车。Ah , it was an old jalopy.

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好的松狮犬舍在哪里啊?Good Chow kennel where ah?

实在是我三生之幸啊。It is lucky I Sansheng ah.

这百度咋整的啊?This Baidu Zezheng the ah?