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褐色的还是淡黄色的?The taupe or the buff?

灰褐色是最完美的中性颜色。The perfect neutral is taupe.

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直到告诉我,你要把每个房间都刷成灰褐色。Telling me you want to paint every room taupe.

她身穿裸色路易·威登2010秋季裹胸纱裙。She opted for a taupe Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 gown.

灰烬味灰褐色玻璃球状,不易破碎。Taupe glass spherical ashes taste not easily broken.

柔和,深黑色带有微妙的玫瑰色调。A soft, deep taupe shade that has subtle hues of rose.

“我知道阿里安娜不喜欢它,”他轻声说道,“但我喜欢褐色。”“I know Arianna doesn’t like it, ” he said lightly. “But I like taupe.”

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白色或灰褐色的裤子是夏天的首选,这会让你的腿显得更粗壮。White or taupe bottoms are a great summer pick and will widen your legs.

在光照下呈现白象牙色带薰衣草紫闪。Pale ivory taupe with lavender shimmer that show up when the light hits it.

灰褐色能够与白色,中性的线条,金属制品以及深色的木制品构成完美的搭配。Taupe loves white, natural linens, shades of stone, metal and dark stained wood.

添加颓废顶层到您的卡尔多诺霍的灰褐色兔毛背心下降看看。Add a decadent top layer to your fall look with Karl Donoghue's taupe rabbit fur gilet.

这都是约一年前开始的,人们越来越讨厌褐色以及极简主义外观产生的单调乏味。It all started about a year ago, with the growing revolt against taupe andaboredom with the minimalist look.

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这都是约一年前开始的,人们越来越讨厌褐色以及极简主义外观产生的单调乏味。到处都是石灰岩和菲力浦?It all started about a year ago, with the growing revolt against taupe and a boredom with the minimalist look.

配饰选金饰品——厚重的手镯或手链都很好——然后搭配棕色、灰褐色或者奶油色的包包和鞋子。Accessoris with gold jewellery--chunky bangles and chains work well--then add brown, taupe or cream bags and shoes to finish.

建筑最初涂成灰褐色,后来重新粉刷为淡绿色来与周围环境相协调。The building was initially painted taupe grey but was later repainted in pale green to make it analogous to its suburban location.

例如他们可能搜索一个灰褐色的产品,但你可能将它标记了灰色或褐色,虽然它可能就是用户想要的东西。For example, they might search for a product in "taupe" when you’ve got it marked as "tan" or "beige", even though it’s exactly what they were looking for.

这个门厅的木质条纹墙壁被漆成了暗灰褐色,以与棕色的石板地更好融合,也增加了空间的质朴感。This entrance hall's board-and-batten walls are painted a warm taupe that complements the brown slate flooring and adds to the rustic aesthetic of the space.