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那就是格林威治标准时间。That is Greenwich Mean Time.

你能告诉我们在格林威治有什么吗?Can you tell us what is in Greenwich?

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到格林威治村该乘哪一线车?Which line do I take for GREenwich Village?

在格林威治村的市中心才有商店。It has stores downtown in Greenwich Village.


原因是那里就是格林威治的标准时间所在之处。the reason being that's where Greenwich Mean Time is.

在格林威治还有一个建筑物,叫做天文台,There's also a building called the observatory at Greenwich

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你得去更远的格林威治村的市中心。you have to go much farther downtown towards Greenwich Village.

因此本初子午线应该在这里,也就是x轴。So, the Greenwich Meridian would be here, now, the one on the x axis.

格林威治天文台的职员们每天对大钟检查两次。Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.

1926年,哈尔佩特开了第一次在格林威治村的艺术画廊之一。In 1926, Halpert opened one of the first art galleries in Greenwich Village.

他的父亲是一名男爵和主皇家实验室在格林威治。His father was a baronet and Comptroller of the Royal laboratory at Greenwich.

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再说一遍,记住这发生在本初子午线很重要。Once again, it's important to note that this occurred at the Greenwich meridian.

一位伦敦警察厅的发言人说,格林威治刑事侦查部发起了一项调查。A Metropolitan police spokesman said Greenwich CID had launched an investigation.

他与父母在帕克大街生活,晚上则到格林尼治村度过。He lived with his parents on Park Avenue and spent his nights in Greenwich Village.

一个热门的地点是格林尼治村的花猪,创业类的人们聚集在那里。One hot spot is the Spotted Pig in Greenwich Village, where startup types congregate.

据报道,此架空客A330于格林威治时间6时失去联络。According to the report, the frame of airbus A330 in Greenwich mean time 6 out of touch.

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万圣节当晚,美国其他多数城市处于一片混乱时,格林威治村却很安宁。Halloween, a night of mayhem in most other U.S. cities, is peaceful in Greenwich Village.

在20世纪50年代的一系列社会镇压运动,导致了格林威治村的文化革命。The social repression of the 1950s resulted in a cultural revolution in Greenwich Village.

给我们打过电话,但是后来没在格中央车站下载林尼治下火车。Elle called us from grand central last night, But she never got off the train in greenwich.